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How do you get someone off your mind?

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I remember that after a while that my ... gf wich cheated on me and know is like my friend with rights (long shit, don't really want to talk about it) broke up with his ex before me, I wrote her a paper that said:

Time doesn't fix a broken heart, it's the love.

pretty much what novias said


--- Quote from: memo3300 on March 31, 2013, 04:14:10 PM ---I remember that after a while that my ... gf wich cheated on me and know is like my friend with rights (long shit, don't really want to talk about it) broke up with his ex before me, I wrote her a paper that said:

Time doesn't fix a broken heart, it's the love.

pretty much what novias said

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--- Quote from: Loke on April 02, 2013, 08:26:27 PM ---wut

--- End quote ---

she got a penis so sometimes I say his instead of her.

totally not me raping english*

I get this at times. Girl I always think of is stunning. Most beautiful girl I've ever bloody seen. The best advice I can give is to do some of your hobbies/likes. Video games, T.V., movies etc.

It is not easy to move on, and forget those who were once dear to us. I remember the names of each girl, each friend I've left, and the memories we've shared. It's saying a lot when even I can remember. But with each day, it will get a little easier. Only you will be able to help yourself away from those memories. It took me a long time to be happy with where I am, but one day it hit me: I'm surrounded by people who care about me, people I trust with my life, and people that I enjoy being around.

Move on; But never forget.


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