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A challenge for the lua coders out there!

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Just lock this thread if no one is interested.


--- Quote from: » Magic « on October 26, 2010, 07:16:29 AM ---Why don't we just wait for it to be released ???

--- End quote ---
Oh yea.

Mr. Franklin:
its just a modified version of ZS. just have everyone as survivors and NPC's being the Nazi Zambies. THAT FUCKING EASY

I thought I read somewhere on FP that this guy gave up on that project

rehh. I am not doing it.

Assassin you may talk to me if you need help coding it.

All it looks like to me is a kill counter that adds money or some shit for each kill. (Kill Counter)
Random Zombie Spawning at special entities in a map. (Player Spawning/NPC Spawning)
Buying things off the walls would be an in map thing. Would have to define an entity/button that takes "money" from the kill counter and ply:Give( "A_gun"). (Ents / Buttons)
HUD to show money, ammo. Talk to me about this one. (HUD's / Draw)

Have fun.

As I said feel free to talk to me.


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