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Zombie Survival Weapon Tree Panel

(1/3) > >>

I have to play Garry's Mod on a very small resolution, 800 x 600.

If I press F3, the weapons tree menu pops up but the close button is too far off the screen for me to press it. I can't circumnavigate the problem by changing my resolution because it blocks the Options menu!

I have had this problem too on a smaller game resolution. The only way to fix it is to play in a bigger resolution or don't press F3

or buy new monitor/pc  :xmastree:

Just a question but is there any specific reason you have to play at 800x600?

I made the window draggable by the top bar so you can drag it to the left and click X

Why not make it so you can close it by pressing F3 again?  :idk:


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