Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved
Application For Regular Hotman1111,TheRealMike(mlgpro) 16/03/13
nickname: TheRealMike(mlgpro)
Interests:Playing ball with my dog,and playing games
servers zombiesurvival, DarkRp,TTT
Time online:Usally Between 8am and 9pm
Languages: American
I live in america Have a decent amount of friends{DoesntMatter } When I think of love I think of the one who I love Gaming is my life and i hope this will be my life this one server I appreciate you reading this in hopes of advance of being a regular
I want to be a regular so bad Its been all my dreams and i think random servers are the best out there: Thank you in advance
Please Redo application to acceptable standards by putting in some effort why you want to be regular.
Uhm, I think you need to get yourself acquainted with some people in our servers before you can apply for reg. I don't believe I've ever seen you on, so I suggest you wait it out and start becoming active before you can apply for this rank. -1
This Cactus:
I'm thinking you haven't been much on the server just like what Lazord said, you have to be active to help rNd with hackers, RDMers, etc., I don't want to vote for now.
Please be more active to get an actual vote.
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