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Am i in love?

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--- Quote from: TehHank on March 12, 2013, 04:45:28 PM ---So recently i think have started to develop feelings for a girl in my school. Until 6 months ago, i never really noticed her at all for an obvious reason that she is quite shy. I am in the same Graphics classroom as her and once my teacher asked if i can help her, From then, we quickly became friends. We share uncommon interests such as drawing and Anime, and she has a wonderful personality once i got to knew her. Recently she has been telling me about more of her personal life and her parents whom are divorced. She really appreciates me listening to her and helping her in her work as her friends apparentally from don't treat her that very well and she told me most of the time she spends outside alone in which made me feel sad.

Ever since, i have grown seeing her with her smiling at me, and a smile back. I look forward into to seeing her in my graphics class. I also believe i become somewhat jealous or angry when another guy talks to her. I have also defended her when she is being picked on by other students, even when amongst her "friends". When i go for walks outside, i always look around if i can bump into her and maybe spend some together as friends.

With all this, Does this mean i am in love with her?

She is pretty in my eyes, slightly taller than me and she keeps mentioning she is underweight and not very pretty to which i reply that it is what is inside that counts and to me, she is pretty compared to girls with far too much makeup(which was pretty awkward of me)

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"Love" is a word that should not be easily thrown around. To me this sounds like you like her a lot, but love? I don't think you've reached that stage, at least not in my eyes. Loving someone to me is being their best friend, and knowing that you want to be with the no matter what through thick and thin. It means that you want the best for them, even if that isn't from you. Now I am not trying to downgrade your feelings for her in anyway, however as I stated before, I don't think you are quite "in love with her".

I've learned over the years that there is a difference between loving someone and being in love with someone. You may love to be with her now, but how often do you spend outside of school with her? She may converse with you about her personal life, but I guarantee there is a side of her you don't even know about. The key to knowing your in love with someone, is if you can accept that she may not be the person you first saw her out to be. If you can accept this when/if it happens, I think you guys might have a good future ahead of you, if you decided to take things farther. Make sure you stay in contact with her and support her, but also remember not to be pushy. I don't know about her, but when guys get too pushy about things, it starts to push me away from them.

If she is really as shy as she sounds, just be careful not to overwhelm her, or you might end up making her feel uneasy. Romance isn't easy, especially if it's real and not 1 day Facebook bullshit. It takes time and dedication from both parties, but sometimes it takes one person to push that all into motion, but I guarantee it's all worth it in the end.


--- Quote from: †KHMarie† on March 12, 2013, 05:53:05 PM ---If she is really as shy as she sounds, just be careful not to overwhelm her, or you might end up making her feel uneasy.

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especially this.
I was at a friend's house friday night with a few other people, somebody asked a super super shy girl out to a dance in April by making cupcakes and writing out 'Will you go to Spring Fling with me?' and she just did not like the attention and she was so overwhelmed that she went into the bathroom and cried her eyes out because she was so overwhelmed. She said yes afterwards, but that's beside the point.

Tiger Guy:
crush =/= love

Love is a vague word anyway the way it's thrown around.

McDreary The Hapless Hamster:
You made an ol' hamster feel fuzzy inside... and outside?? Well, my advice is hang out with here 1 on 1 and just talk or go on walks n stuff. I assume you're not a rapist because you share my views of hearing about friends being forced upon. You may not be in "love" But love is what you make it. So stick around and see what happens with you and her. Or make the move to relationships and stuff if you think she's down. And if you have to wait well... the worst thing that happens is you get older.


--- Quote from: TehHank on March 12, 2013, 04:45:28 PM ---So recently i think have started to develop feelings for a girl in my school. Until 6 months ago, i never really noticed her at all for an obvious reason that she is quite shy. I am in the same Graphics classroom as her and once my teacher asked if i can help her, From then, we quickly became friends. We share uncommon interests such as drawing and Anime, and she has a wonderful personality once i got to knew her. Recently she has been telling me about more of her personal life and her parents whom are divorced. She really appreciates me listening to her and helping her in her work as her friends apparentally from don't treat her that very well and she told me most of the time she spends outside alone in which made me feel sad.

Ever since, i have grown seeing her with her smiling at me, and a smile back. I look forward into to seeing her in my graphics class. I also believe i become somewhat jealous or angry when another guy talks to her. I have also defended her when she is being picked on by other students, even when amongst her "friends". When i go for walks outside, i always look around if i can bump into her and maybe spend some together as friends.

With all this, Does this mean i am in love with her?

She is pretty in my eyes, slightly taller than me and she keeps mentioning she is underweight and not very pretty to which i reply that it is what is inside that counts and to me, she is pretty compared to girls with far too much makeup(which was pretty awkward of me)

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she wants dat dick, bro.


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