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Am i in love?

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--- Quote from: Deacon on March 13, 2013, 09:31:15 AM ---I meant I wish smiles were indicators of dick wanting.

--- End quote ---
What if a guy smiled at you.


You never know. You may have actual feelings for a girl.
There's a difference between "hot" and "beauty"

finding a girl hot usually means that you want in her pants.

Beauty is when they actually look... well beautiful.
The question is. Which do you find her?

I'm going through the same thing as you are man.
Girl I see is STUNNING. Literally STUNNING.

That's cool just don't mess up

Sounds like a crush, but I don't know since I never even had a girlfriend/lover/whatever.

Looks like you're in great relations with her. I think she's pretty fond of you. I can't tell if you're in love with her since I don't really know how you feel, but if you wish to stick closer to her and see her more, then I suppose you like her. 


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