Bans (Read Only) > Unapproved

random ban

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Ok, ok...

  I been reading again and again, so many times, like about 20 times and about this guy, "dbnb" The doucheb hacker, sounds pretty familiar, but, just ignoring that, you all shot him 20 times in the head?, daaaaayummm, that makes me think:

Do you even lift?

lsjfhdfjksgh, i need to kill myself.


--- Quote from: Rbn on March 11, 2013, 08:25:50 AM ---Ok, ok...

  I been reading again and again, so many times, like about 20 times and about this guy, "dbnb" The doucheb hacker, sounds pretty familiar, but, just ignoring that, you all shot him 20 times in the head?, daaaaayummm, that makes me think:

Do you even lift?

lsjfhdfjksgh, i need to kill myself.

--- End quote ---
Holy fuck I love you.

This is more entertaining that the other posts in this forum

Pass the popcorn

Tiger Guy:
this really should be locked


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