Bans (Read Only) > Approved

Can i be apealed on the Random-ttt server.


1. Player's SteamID: Rempalago

2. Players Nickname: Rempalago

3. Your in-game name: Rempalago

4. Server name: Gary's Mod TTT Server

5. Description of the event(s): I was playing TTT on your server about a week ago and i had been playing for about 20 minutes and i was around 3 other people and i was hiding behind a wall watching them. One of the Innocents started to attack this T but killed the other innocent when he killed the T. I just thought he was a Traitor and just shot him a few times not killing him and he then turned around and killed me. This guy was a Innocent. He asked me why was i RDM-ing him but i had left becuase i was tired and didnt want to play anymore.

6. Reason for appeal: I feel that i was banned for a Minor Mistake and would be grateful if i was apealed

7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s):

8. Link to sourceban page (

Yeah please follow the how/to rules as to how to appeal to a ban.,8.0.html

k, i fixed my post

Thanks, for taking your time to appeal.

  Oh yeah, i remember you, your the guy rdm some guy, then shot me i shoot back and voila 1 second later left, well it's ok, please, read the rules and do not rdm, feel free to join after getting approved.




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