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[Notice] Snivy No Longer Admin

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--- Quote from: Alkaline on March 08, 2013, 02:19:45 PM ---Goodbye, Snivy. This has happened to a few other members, and seeing you resign is mellow but would have come up eventually.

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--- Quote from: Cake Faice on March 08, 2013, 02:27:44 PM ---Shit Snivy, this is actually kinda sad to say goodbye. I honestly do hope things turn around upon your return...

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--- Quote from: Me Likes Dis on March 08, 2013, 03:53:02 PM ---Sad to see you go Snivy,playing/talking with you has been really fun and i wish you the best of luck in the future,farewell.

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--- Quote from: Soviet blah2355 on March 08, 2013, 05:06:16 PM ---Sorry to hear you're leaving "forever". You're one of the reasons I got into and love the Mass Effect series.

Good luck out there and goodbye.

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I want to make sure you understand that I feel as if I'm being forced out. Not that I'm leaving just because I feel like it.

I still have a strong attachment to the community, but due to the way things are going, I have a hard time believing it's going to last much longer. I've seen this happen in the past, and I just don't want to see it actually happen to the place I considered a home.

And since I no longer have any more control to help guide the way things are going and to try and steer it back on track due to how Coolz instantly dismissing anything I say, it feels like leaving is the last choice I have.

I still care about you guys, but it doesn't feel like there's much I can do in my position, seeing as how Coolz feels about me.

--- Quote from: ·UηİŦ··© on March 08, 2013, 03:59:07 PM ---Stay Gold.

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--- Quote from: Prox on March 08, 2013, 05:01:21 PM ---Goodbye space ranger.

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Spoiler (click to show/hide)Log on steam more pls, Unit.

--- Quote from: Degtyarev on March 08, 2013, 07:05:42 PM ---But... Deathie was my favorite. Sad to see you go, even though I dont freqent here or the teamspeak. I did enjoy the times I was however, in large part due to Snivy. Even when he pulled 5 fps in dayz, he never failed to be the comic relief.

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I particularly find this hilarious, since someone just told me recently that I come off as extremely rude to people and that they haven't been hearing good things about me.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)I also find it kind of funny how I used to be a past global mod, but since making the post in this thread, I was removed from that too.

Snivy you're making the same mistake again.

I reviewed the chat log, the said admin app, and I think you escalated a trivial matter way too far.  I also think you may have tried to use your resignation as leverage there.

Coolz was right that it's not the place to discuss semantics of the application process.  It's really not a big deal and I think you should understand that. 

Take this as a kind word of advise, as I mean nothing against you personally, and don't put people through this same thing again please.




--- Quote from: Tezuni on March 09, 2013, 04:29:22 AM ---Snivy you're making the same mistake again.

I reviewed the chat log, the said admin app, and I think you escalated a trivial matter way too far.  I also think you may have tried to use your resignation as leverage there.

Coolz was right that it's not the place to discuss semantics of the application process.  It's really not a big deal and I think you should understand that. 

Take this as a kind word of advise, as I mean nothing against you personally, and don't put people through this same thing again please.



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I do think that Snivy did brought up quite a few valid points in Maries admin application so I don't really quite understand why he got such a negative response because of what he said in there.

Honestly despite what my standpoint might have been on this issue and whether it's known or not, this thread is extremely frustrating for me on so many levels. I'm really close to just locking the thread and letting Snivy leave more quietly but I don't feel it's appropriate for me to do so to coolz' announcement. Just advice Snivy, now's the point when it's best to just drop it and go, not stick around and stir the pot. If anyone needs to know more about w.e I'm sure Snivy would be wiling to answer questions over Steam.

Sooo, hi.

Sorry for my horribru ingrish what i'm about to make your eyes see.

  I been reading what Snivy posted and imo. I see this like Coolz is a monster that ate your bawls & banana and ran away, since we have in somehow a similar way to think, i feel like it's my concern.

  Ruuuuuuuuuuun, Coolzilla ate my bawls. Hehe.

  Well, I'm going to be specifically talking about points "I AM AWARE OF" which mean in some point i could be wrong, but, you know, i'm always wrong.

  I have been working with coolz prolly now about 7 years, i have to say is not easy sometimes, "When he is on his period", you know when he is hard working and, well... You know what i meant.

  I believe, by the conclusion of this, this was forced to happen, The trigger point was that conversation, let me explain how.

  I recall, i am talking about things "I AM AWARE OF".

  Concerning your attitude.

  I'm sorry i have to point this out, but, the way you have been posting out your, "Opinions and comments" are not a really Opinion or probably it is but feels like It have to be done because you see there's no other way to do it.

  when he points out his opinions, you find a way to shutdown his opinion, i'm sorry, i felt that on the last admin meeting, probably i'm wrong, but it hasn't only done there.

  I do not know, if you ever have been pointing your opinions like that, but, that was being happening lately, or, that's what i feel, which if i were in Coolz position would be reaaaaalllly frustrating, him trying to handle all this ideas when other people turning around his ideas or shutting down em, i mean he has been for years holding this community, he point an idea, he expect people say let's do it, if doesn't work ok it's done, but always positive comments, of course not always is going to be like this, but you know, is quite hard to explain.

  I noticed you came to him with the intention of solving things starting with the "I've been planning on resigning", tbh, I do not think how pointing that out will solve a problem but when i read all that out was like, "Coolz is your fault and if you want me to stay here do something." That's how i see it, probably is not how it is, but, if you read it lot of times you will see.

--- Quote ---Basically, yes. I am leaving "forever". I use quotation marks because "forever" is such an arbitrary length of time. If things take a full 180, then maybe, but considering the conflict between me and Coolz right now, I doubt that's going to happen. I've lost motivation to even try helping out as of late due to the reason stated above.
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  How, you came to him saying "I've been planning on resigning" not only when you talked to him even time ago just Sabb and Deacon were holding you down, after stating that, this comes out.

--- Quote ---I want to make sure you understand that I feel as if I'm being forced out. Not that I'm leaving just because I feel like it.
--- End quote ---

  I don't understand how you feel like that, if you were thinking on leaving, i mean i really do not understand this, i could say this makes me feel like Coolzilla attacked you Forcing you to leave, but i guess it's my imagination, but really, sounds like it.

  I guess you had a misconception of helping recently and giving opinions that drove you to this point.

  I'm pretty sure there could be a lot of solutions to this, you just selected the worse one, i guess we were not close enough to get an alternative so you could working and cleaning ideas with me, prolly if they were related to servers, administrative production and other certain points, but yea, i just went to the worse one.


  Concerning to Coolzilla

  I knowwwwwwwwwwwww, i knowwwwwwwwwwww, my little monster, WAIT NOOOOO NOOOOOOOO, MY BAWLS, FvCk.!!!!

  I could say all these years working with him, make him the best people to handle things, he carried a lot of my shit and now my bawls but he use to handle this very well, as long i saw him caring this community and making everyone stay together, makes me think really hard to think he pushed you away and i he did so, was for a really good reason, i'll compare with me and i might try to explain what happened, is not the best way but i'm pretty sure this will explain mostly why this conclusion.

  -Taking in mind, that managing this community is like having a Huge Project that never ends.

  Handling situation, i'm guessing this had to be happening since a looooooooooooooooooong time ago, so this exploded right here, I recall this is an EXAMPLE of ruben's irl, i know we are here to talk about Coolzilla but NOOOOOOOOO, I WANT TO TALK ABOUT MEEEEEE!!! Fvk u all, oh well.

  When i expose ideas to work them out, i firstly opened to negative ideas and how to handle them out, every idea can or not have negative impacts, but also have good ones that negates the negative sides, working them out in TEAMWORK, will solve this problem, but wait, what happens someone just start derailing my ideas or changing the structure of work, i mean with this, destroying all or partially my ideas, again and again, will push me to a point of total frustration.

  In a comparison to coolz, god he knows how to handle shit very well, his hands are dirty, i would directly attack the problem continuing with the project, get a solution ASAP, i mean i talk to that guy really direct mode "Change the way you are suggesting your ideas or i spit ur face".

  Which this leaves me with the other way, putting that guy on passive mode and lowering his level of intervention and wait until the guy stop with that "Ideas destruction mode" that drives everyone crazy, probably he could do that, but imo you were forcing things out and was really hard to ignore.

  If this guy in the project come at me saying, man i'm think i'm going to leave, bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla... 3 days later ...  bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla, so, basically i'm saying it your fault and up to you to solve this and give me the solution, triggering hard mode, and making the frustration explode.

  I could ignore that but... after saying that, hmmmmmm.

  so, I'm guessing, I became a bad person for kicking out that guy.

  The whole idea with this is clarifying this topic, i guess, because i think is taking the wrong way.


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