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My birthing day :)

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Yellow Killer:
Happy Hamster Day!

Happy Congratulatory Birfing Day.

You are now (1) steps closer to accessing all of life's greatest rewards (See: omnipotent).

Happy Birthday ! Only thing I can say is to drink your alochol wisely from now on.


--- Quote from: Lazord on March 06, 2013, 02:47:41 PM ---Happy Birthday ! Only thing I can say is to drink your alochol wisely from now on.

--- End quote ---
Alcohol is "legal" at 21 though.

Happy Birthday regardless :party: :cake: :present:


--- Quote from: Soviet blah2355 on March 06, 2013, 02:54:24 PM ---Alcohol is "legal" at 21 though.

Happy Birthday regardless :party: :cake: :present:

--- End quote ---

Yes but he still drinks it underaged.


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