.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion

Want your hard drive filled with cats?


Pretty common desire as far as I have known, however it is very difficult to click on a sufficient number of cat pictures to actually fill your HDD's completely. But for all of you that have desired to fill your hard drive with cats your salvation is here!

Just click this website! http://www.filldisk.com/ (Only works in Chrome, IE, and Safari)

 :hellokitty: :hellokitty: :hellokitty: :hellokitty: :hellokitty: :hellokitty: :hellokitty: :hellokitty: :hellokitty: :hellokitty: :hellokitty: :hellokitty: :hellokitty: :hellokitty: :hellokitty: :hellokitty: :hellokitty:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)Don't worry it allows you to easily undo the massive cat overload.

But this website is brought to you by HTML5 errors!


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So this is what i get when i try to visit it at school. Criminal skills? I don't even...

Or you know, if you really want to fill your hard drive, you can just open up a zipbomb :P


--- Quote from: blah2355 on March 01, 2013, 12:37:34 PM ---Or you know, if you really want to fill your hard drive, you can just open up a zipbomb :P

--- End quote ---


Also, when you click stop the madnesas it just keeps putting cats on, it only tells you that it's deleting them.


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