Promotions (Read Only) > Admin
Application: Unit
Unit has been suggested to me by other adminz and haz no appz D:
Want to get some opinionz! Thanks
Unit is one amazing and trustworthy person. I have known and trusted unit for quite a while now, he is extremely trust worthy and have never seen him lose his head on the servers. I don't think he has any enemies, and is very, very intelligent. Activity is no problem for him because he does play regularly.
Unit has my full support.
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Very intelligent and calm person, always polite, not only that, he also does quite a great deal in-game as well, definitely a great candidate.
He is always polite to all players never mind what rank that player has. He is very fun to have around and a prominent member of our Community and is an avid player on our servers. I can place all my trust in his hands no doubt :thumbsup:
Tbh I'd be pretty happy if Unit were promoted. He's a really smart, extremely level-headed and friendly guy. Really helpful and reliable. Also active. If he actually wants admin (haven't heard from him that he does actually?) then I think he could be a pretty good contribution to the servers in-game and represent the community well.
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