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Embarrasing usernames you used to use often but don't anymore?

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--- Quote from: » Magic « on March 02, 2013, 06:11:31 PM ---Just remembered my second one....

Spoiler: xXlolxboxfagshitXx (click to show/hide)Xi iMaGiKzZz iX

I even used it on GMod, when I requested "Respected" D:

--- End quote ---
I can't find it on the old forums.


--- Quote from: Ϝuzsioᴎ on March 02, 2013, 09:06:56 PM ---APP NOW.
I can't find it on the old forums.

--- End quote ---
Found it.
I just herpaderped

» Magic «:

--- Quote from: blah2355 on March 02, 2013, 10:25:52 PM ---Found it.
I just herpaderped

--- End quote ---

Wish I didn't delete OP and other posts... I'm so interested in old me D:

McDreary The Hapless Hamster:
Any of my pre-2010 names. Like "Lerajie" which was some pagan/satanist figure.
"Kindevil, AngrySock, xXxFearfulSockxXx"  were all some of my Maple Story names which make me shudder now.
 I went by "Your Mom" Back on UT2004... the creativeness behind that...
I'm very picky on names, but after years I've found McDreary to be my name. Such as McDreary Pantaloons, McDreary The Hapless Hamster, or CaptainMcDreary.   :asian:

azn_pride245. Yikes.

Other than that, my nicknames through the decade+ was Benney and CodeKyuubi, neither of which are very embarrassing.


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