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--- Quote from: Ϝuzsioᴎ on February 25, 2013, 04:55:06 PM ---But I had my PC not even for a week...

--- End quote ---
Oh well, it's probably normal then. Even the computer I'm on, it's a bit old but the hard drive still has some activity even when idle. You shouldn't worry about it too much unless you notice a drastic performance drop or hard disk error.

Sounds normal.

It's a 7200rpm hdd probably the only on the system.

The side is open and the rest of the system is relatively quiet in a quiet environment.

That grinding sound is to be expected, also if you hear noises when you aren't active it's probably one of the many windows services doing something in the background.

Now, if it starts clicking or scraping then you might have hdd damage.


--- Quote from: coolzeldad on February 25, 2013, 11:29:41 PM ---Sounds normal.

It's a 7200rpm hdd probably the only on the system.

The side is open and the rest of the system is relatively quiet in a quiet environment.

That grinding sound is to be expected, also if you hear noises when you aren't active it's probably one of the many windows services doing something in the background.

Now, if it starts clicking or scraping then you might have hdd damage.

--- End quote ---
It sounds just as loud as it does in the video when the cover is on.

Put some rubber grommets on the screws connecting the HDD to the case if you find it irritating, that will dampen some of the sound.

That is a completely normal sound.

Inside the HDD there is a read head, it uses powerful magnets to swing it back and fourth creating that sound.

The sound is just getting transferred into the structure of your case since you probably have it hard mounted.

There are many ways to reduce hdd noise, look around google and see if there are any you like. Otherwise if it doesn't bother you, you can just leave it.


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