Promotions (Read Only) > Approved

†Hideo Kojimas' VIP Application 2/23/13†

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Thought I had posted on here already. After some time I do think Hideo's ready. He's a pretty cool guy, responsible, etc. Believe he's got a pretty good rep with the players on the servers so that always helps. Good to have friendly VIPs who are engaged.  :thumbsup:

Tiger Guy:
Hideo is a guy that can take the responsibility of being a VIP. He messages me when there are RDMers on TTT; which has happened about half a dozen times in the last month. He's alright with other members, and he has a good rep in the servers. So yeah, plus one.

His attitude since he joined has significantly improved and is very capable of being a VIP since he can be very trusted. +1

Id say by now he's proven himself as trustworthy. I'm ok with giving him a shot.

After a few different apps this guy now has enough support, approved!


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