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So I just got my first Credit Card...

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I just use a debit card only.  Don't wana spend more than I have in the bank and get trapped with interest building up too.

But gratz and use it wisely.

I just got a debit card the other week. Though I thought I'd enjoy the freedom, soon after I'm broke and not particularly enjoying it. The ability to spend money so easily is more of a curse than a blessing. On the bright side the items I'm buying aren't just random junk, I'm kind of flipping items on ebay and such. Fun experience nonetheless.

○ Μαρία ○:

--- Quote from: Shockah on February 23, 2013, 04:34:56 AM ---I just got a debit card the other week. Though I thought I'd enjoy the freedom, soon after I'm broke and not particularly enjoying it. The ability to spend money so easily is more of a curse than a blessing. On the bright side the items I'm buying aren't just random junk, I'm kind of flipping items on ebay and such. Fun experience nonetheless.

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Just manage your money better? lol It doesn't have to be a curse as long as you don't let it burn a hole in your pocket. Usually what I'll do to prevent that is make an expensive goal for myself, or tell myself I have limited amount of money instead of a lot money, then I'll be more reluctant to want to spend it.

It's quite interesting how people like to spend a lot of money on stuff when I don't even like spending video game money in video games.


--- Quote from: Prox on February 23, 2013, 01:44:38 PM ---It's quite interesting how people like to spend a lot of money on stuff when I don't even like spending video game money in video games.

--- End quote ---

Which is why torrenting is another option.


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