Promotions (Read Only) > Approved
2/16/13 Application: Me Likes Dis
--- Quote from: Me Likes Dis on February 16, 2013, 09:22:19 PM ---Me Likes Dis' VIP Application
In RND since:
Mid-Late 2010 with another account then switched,Registered to forums as Me Likes Dis in 3rd of March 2011
Times online:
I'm usualy online from 2-4pm to 10-11pm in school days and 11am to 1-4am at weekends.
Time Zone:
GMT +1
Servers I mostly play on:
Zombie Survival
Trouble in Terrorist Town
(All others are down so :I
Steam Name:
Me Likes Dis
Steam ID:
Why I should be VIP:
I have been reported for minor mistakes 2 times in my time in rNd.
with me going inactive i have done alot thinking and I can asure anyone that I have improved ALOT since the old times.
I will try to come take care of minges/hackers/RDMers everytime i can since sometimes i may(Go shower,shop,eat,etc.) and forget to leave my status as "Away"
With my recent comeback i have not had problems with anyone on the servers and i can say I'm a very nice person.
Again with my inactiveness i have built a lot of patience(RDMing,Calling out or being a general idiot)
I try to not hold a grudge against anyone, meaning everytime someone rejoins, they haven't done anything. This doesn't count on people minging all the time, of course.(Felt like this was very accurate so didin't change)
I try to react to most calls for help in the servers, no matter on which server it comes from.(Same for this)
Why I want to be VIP:
In my first days of rNd i can say i wasn't the nicest person to everyone,i'm suprised i even got Regular but enough about that.
For acouple of months away from rNd I can say have improved alot,i will not judge anyone poorly be it Myppl or w/e with the exception of acouple'a jokes here and there.
I would keep the servers safe as best as i can from minges/hackers/RDMers or your general idiot who makes the game bad for everyone.
I have been here for quite some time now and i am very fumiliar with the rules.
If i get good feedback on me in this VIP App or even get approved i will atleast know I have achieved atleast something meaningful in my life,everyones trust.
Contributions to RND:
I've done acouple of reports here and there and am planning to learn mapping.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!Do not use the following situations one-to-one!! DON'T! THIS IS A REFERENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Someone is prop pushing on Flood
1. Warn them.
-> No response,warn them again.
-> If still no response and keeps doing it
-> Kick.
-> Comes back and does it again.
-> Demo/Screenshot,voteban and report
People are money rounding in Flood
1. tell them it's not worth their and everyone else's time and that they gain nothing from it.
-> if they keep doing it tell them again that they gain almost nothing at the cost of everyones patience and fun.
-> if they don't listen and keep doing it warn them one last time and initiate a countdown for them to suicide
-> if they have no intention to jump during and after the countdown start a votekick on the one with the most money.
-> they return and do it again: Try to reason with them and give ONE last warning.
-> if they fail to notice my warning and keep doing their thing Screenshot/Demo,voteban and report
Killing fellow Traitor buddy on TTT
1. Ask them to give a reason.
-> if it was out of self defence because his T buddy was shooting him give the other person a warning that if it happens again it wont end well.
-> if a stupid reason warn them that if it happens again they will get a ban.
-> if it happens again Screenshot damagelogs,get steamid,voteban and report
RDMing the detective as an innocent
1. Ask them to give a reason.
-> if Detective was RDMing:Check damage logs,and if person is lying,ask them why they are lying and that you have proof with damage logs,
if they start acting poorly towards me,Screenshot damagelogs,get steamid,voteban and report.
-> if Detective was really RDMing ask them why they did it and say you have proof with damagelogs.
-> if a stupid reason/lying screenshot damagelogs,get steamid,voteban and report
Someone is glitching (not spawned on glitch, TTT and Flood)
1. Tell them to stop glitching and give instructions on how to suicide.
-> if person doesn't have a console: tell him/her to rejoin the server.
-> if doesn't respond give acouple of last warnings before votekick
-> if he/she still keeps glitching: Start a votekick for glitching/holding up the round.
-> if he/she comes back and glitches again on purpose: Give one final warning.
-> still nothing: Start a voteban.
Someone is using a name changer
I will try to ban him ingame myself and if i'm not able to do anything get Steam ID,Proof Tell an Admin/Report to Forums.
Someone is using an aimbot
1. Spectate said player,get a closer look on his play style
-> If it turns out the player is just skilled,tell everyone just because someone is good doesn't mean they hax
-> If it starts getting suspicious(Instantly turn around and SUPA-1337-NOSCOPE-HEADSHOT-MLG-PRO someone)
-> Proceed to keep an eye on the player abit more
-> Start demo,get Steam ID,voteban,make report on forums
Someone is using speedhacks
1. Spectate him for proof,make demo.
->Get his Steam ID
->Proceed to voteban
->Post Report on Forums
Someone is mic-spamming, general population wants him/her gone
->I would tell them how to mute people and that mic spamming is not a kick/bannable offense.
->If it's in zombie survival warn the player to stop or risk getting kicked/banned.
->If said player fails to respond initiate a votekick.
->If said player comes back and does it again voteban
Someone is constantly disrespecting other people
1. Tell them to stop.
-> If they listen and stop their behaviour,everythings okay.
-> If they don't listen,warn them again.
-> Last warning.
-> Kick.
-> Comes back
-> Banz.
Games I have (on Steam):
Garry's Mod
Counter Strike 1.6
Counter Strike:Source
Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2:Episode 2
Dota 2
Killing Floor
Half-Life:Lost coast
Metro 2033
Team Fortress 2
Alien Breed 2
Methods to contact me:
Steam:Me Likes Dis/Zombie**Death
A few friends active in RND:
Dale Feles
Yellow Killer
The Badass Juan
Tiger Guy
Thanks to Don for reference to this app!
Ps:I Like colors :3
--- End quote ---
Posting in a separate post to keep things organized.
Anyways, I'm relatively in support of having him be VIP, unless someone has some big reason as to why he shouldn't. He's active, nice, and makes good decisions. I personally think that he'd be a good promotion.
So yeah, +1 and all that.
Yeah, I've seen his reaction to trouble in-game and from what I've seen he definitely understands the rules, he's also pretty cool in-game too, I just can't find a reason to why he shouldn't be a VIP.
I've seen him in TTT from time to time and I think he's a good candidate for VIP. He's pretty funny and nice to others.
Definite :thumbsup:
Been here for a long time, Knows the rules
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