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Things you do to relax. (Serious topic plz)
Sometimes fractals/'art'.
Sometimes walks outside. Usually about 3 km is a really nice walk. Especially when it's not frozen outside.
Sometimes sleep.
I like walking to some woods like 30ish minutes from my house and sitting in this area of rocks and just relaxing with music and stuff. The walk there and back is half of the relaxation.
--- Quote from: ·UηİŦ··© on February 16, 2013, 10:50:52 AM ---Music.
--- End quote ---
This. Sometimes if I'm stressed working out helps as well. Or just browsing art on deviantart/tumblr or some shit like that.
Tiger Guy:
I'm surprised that someone hasn't said masturbate yet.
Listen to songs i really like
Read fanfiction(*cough*mlp*cough*)
Sleep or Daydream while listening to music
Browse Deviantart/Funnyjunk/Forums
Sit in toilet and browse youtube
Shower for hours and some other shit.
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