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Things you do to relax. (Serious topic plz)

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Well, don't mock me for this but as Christian I usually just pray. But I also go out and do things I enjoy such as parkour, rock climbing, running/walking through a forest and what not.
Or you can just watch your favorite movie/show. Or as Fuszion said... video games.


--- Quote from: Ϝuzsioᴎ on February 16, 2013, 10:32:22 PM ---Seeing other people suffer by me decapitating their head in Borderlands  / Borderlands 2 just makes me relax for some odd reason.

--- End quote ---
That can't be good.

Gaming, Music, reading...

And if it is summer, I mostly go eat icecream somewhere or bycycle.

I play video games and smoke weed.
Cali life for the win?


--- Quote from: Cariad on February 17, 2013, 12:46:58 AM ---Well, don't mock me for this but as Christian I usually just pray. But I also go out and do things I enjoy such as parkour, rock climbing, running/walking through a forest and what not.
Or you can just watch your favorite movie/show. Or as Fuszion said... video games.

--- End quote ---

High Five good sir.

My usual methods:

- Nap
- Go to the Gym and exercise
- Music
- Build something
- possibly play some video games
- Go to the pub with some friends.
- Sledding
- Read a book


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