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When playing, I saw a guy shout out medic [I don't know who], and this idea came to my mind.
An idea of theres 1 person out of everybody that spawns, is a medic. The medic will have 2 medical supplies ready, and gets their medical supply when the ammo regeneration goes back again. I mean for example. [Same goes to ammo guy.]
You play on a map. There is NO medical HP wall thingies nor any medical supplies ANYWHERE at all. People need HP, so they call in the Medic Guy :D. The medic guy can get kills and all of that and is like the same thing as a human, except with medical supplies.
[Same goes to ammo guy]
Only ONE person can be the medic/ammo guy in their team. There can be 1 medic guy and 1 ammo guy though.
Short Info
Medic guy - has medical supplies to give to people when in urgent need.
Ammo guy - has ammo and can give to people when low on ammo.
Some bad things about this
You may say this may be too cheap, but I think it's like balanced enough. I mean some people can't even survive until the 10th wave even when they have a HP regeneration and ammo box.
If you have any ideas how to make this better/more balanced, please comment below and I will add it to the "Update info:"
Update info:
"1. Medics number will depend on players number
2. Every medic will have only one medkit that spawns item_healthstation
3 Same for ammoguy(but ammoguy creates rdm ammocrate(except rockets or nades))"
"then zombies must be hell of a lot stronger, faster and difficult to kil"
I think it will be better if.
1. Medics number will depend on players number
2. Every medic will have only one medkit that spawns item_healthstation
3 Same for ammoguy(but ammoguy creates rdm ammocrate(except rockets or nades))
But maybe they will be overpowered i am not sure about that
How about the ammo guy gives all the ammo to himself and vise versa with the medic.
--- Quote from: jimonions on October 25, 2010, 12:10:30 AM ---How about the ammo guy gives all the ammo to himself and vise versa with the medic.
--- End quote ---
We can make a rule about that.
i dunno
people CAN be fags and keep it to themselves,
especially the ammo guy
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