.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion
Happy Valentine's Day rANdOm!
--- Quote from: Cheesy Sandwich on February 13, 2013, 07:54:17 PM ---Lazord12: Cheesy Sandwich, I'm going to sleep forever now goodbye and when I do I'll be dreaming about you honey I swear, Love you forever Cheesy Sandwich . Until the other side we meet. Love to love you baby.
I was also told this prob 5-6 times.
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--- Quote from: Samo on February 13, 2013, 07:40:23 PM ---Lazord12: Samo, I'm going to sleep forever now goodbye and when I do I'll be dreaming about you honey I swear, Love you forever Samo. Until the other side we meet. Love to love you baby.
He's pushing it now.
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--- Quote from: saivon on February 13, 2013, 07:27:09 PM ---This made my day <3
Lazord12: Saivon, I'm going to sleep forever now goodbye and when I do I'll be dreaming about you honey I swear, Love you forever Saivon. Until the other side we meet. Love to love you baby.
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Woah guys I don't even know what's happening man I need da valentines and nobody accepting me so i askin you guys but no reply as to you guys bein my valentines. Love to love you baby.
Fuck this holiday
○ Μαρία ○:
Happy Singles Awareness day everyone :D
Mazzma: Cat in lap
Happy Valentines Day!
--- Quote from: Lazord on February 13, 2013, 08:10:41 PM ---Woah guys I don't even know what's happening man I need da valentines and nobody accepting me so i askin you guys but no reply as to you guys bein my valentines. Love to love you baby.
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F u
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