.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion

Happy Valentine's Day rANdOm!

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» Magic «:

--- Quote from: Ϝuzsioᴎ on February 14, 2013, 06:35:46 AM ---

--- End quote ---

I don't have a lover this time.

So no, I don't have anyone and I'm not doing anything besides what I do normally. Today is Thursday.

I also realized long ago that Valentine's day was just another holiday turned into a corporate orgasm with a little bit of sweet talking/action on the side. Poor Valentinus.

Can't say I don't enjoy chocolates though.

Tiger Guy:

--- Quote from: ·UηİŦ··© on February 14, 2013, 01:33:42 PM ---I don't have a lover this time.

So no, I don't have anyone and I'm not doing anything besides what I do normally. Today is Thursday.

I also realized long ago that Valentine's day was just another holiday turned into a corporate orgasm with a little bit of sweet talking/action on the side. Poor Valentinus.

Can't say I don't enjoy chocolates though.

--- End quote ---
Let me guess, you dump them right before today so you'll save monies.

that was amazing holy shit


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