Promotions (Read Only) > Admin
Application: KHMarie12
Tiger Guy:
I hope you guys promote based on actual contribution to the servers than popularity.
Marie can help with projects without being admin, but server administration is WAY more efficient if you're admin.
I'll make a full post explaining myself later.
--- Quote from: Tiger Guy on February 14, 2013, 04:31:36 AM ---I hope you guys promote based on actual contribution to the servers than popularity.
Marie can help with projects without being admin, but server administration is WAY more efficient if you're admin.
I'll make a full post explaining myself later.
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I hope you know that if I were to promote solely based upon popularity there would already be promotions and we also wouldn't have more than half of the admins we have now.
Realize that I promote based on a few reasons and that I already explained that in the previous post.
Not actually being an admin I don't see how you could even begin to judge what is available to the admins and what makes what more efficient for them.
Please continue to make opinions on the application and not on my style of promotion as I have already explained myself.
Tiger Guy:
--- Quote from: coolzeldad on February 14, 2013, 11:47:48 AM ---I hope you know that if I were to promote solely based upon popularity there would already be promotions and we also wouldn't have more than half of the admins we have now.
Realize that I promote based on a few reasons and that I already explained that in the previous post.
Not actually being an admin I don't see how you could even begin to judge what is available to the admins and what makes what more efficient for them.
Please continue to make opinions on the application and not on my style of promotion as I have already explained myself.
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What I meant to say is that she shouldn't be promoted because she has more charisma and charm, than let's say Prox. While he's done way more admin-like stuff than Marie has (he has contributed to 57 bans according to sourcebans to Maries 4/ he has posted 67 report threads to Maries 0(a good majority of them being approved too)), he isn't getting as much consideration because he isn't as smooth as her. I just don't think it's fair to him in my opinion.
Okay, so back to the actual topic of discussion.
These are my pros and cons of Marie
Pros: Cares about servers.
Friendly most of the time.
Is one of the most popular people in the community.
Cons: Hasn't really done that much admin-like stuff.
Stubborn to change opinions once she has made one.
While she is a good person, I believe that Juan and Prox have done more to be promoted. She's more of an entertainer than an administrator. It wouldn't be fair to them if she got promoted and they didn't.
She is definitely an alright candidate, she just isn't the best one around in my opinion.
--- Quote from: Tiger Guy on February 14, 2013, 01:44:54 PM ---What I meant to say is that she shouldn't be promoted because she has more charisma and charm, than let's say Prox. While he's done way more admin-like stuff than Marie has (he has contributed to 57 bans according to sourcebans to Maries 4/ he has posted 67 report threads to Maries 0(a good majority of them being approved too)), he isn't getting as much consideration because he isn't as smooth as her. I just don't think it's fair to him in my opinion.
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Please actually read what I say before you post the exact same thing you said, this is not about how I promote - your opinions on her are fine.
Also keep in mind approachability is an important thing when you represent the community, which is part of your responsibility as an admin.
I can see how you could speculate, but how would you know how much consideration each admin is getting, I have never talked to you about this.
You also don't have to quote statistics to me, I am the one that has made them available.
But you're right, I am also considering Prox based upon his high level of help with reports and moderation.
I personally remember Marie from the first time she joined the community, those good ol times in Zombie Survival... Anyway, while she has not been really active around the servers, she still helps whenever she gets the call of duty, and while she has not really been around to hand bans, she is still extremely helpful on the forums and the overall community she is obviously a great artist and has done many contributions to the servers, I trust her a lot because of previous discussions we have had together and is overall an easily approachable person. Personally I would love to see her as an admin in this community, I just wish I could see her a bit more active on the servers themselves but as Xrain said I think I've only seen Jim on TTT about once in my years here.. That being said Marie is a well trusted member and would do well in the position of admin :thumbsup:
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