Bans (Read Only) > Approved
Attempt First Blood RDM
This Cactus:
1. Player's SteamID:
2. Players Nickname:
3. Your in-game name:
This Cactus
4. Server name (Wirebuild, Zombie Survival):
TTT ~ Trouble in Terrorist Town
5. Description of the event(s):
2 consecutive rounds he attempted first blood RDM
6. Reason for ban:
Attempt (First Blood) RDM
7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s):
1st round:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)2nd (attempt RDM then leave)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
403 Forbidden, repost the pics then we can give a -1 or +1.
Dark Pacifist:
By appearance he was out to get kremel at round start... though we cant exactly tell if it was provoked in either account... If there was alittle more information It'd be rather clear. Both his name and Id stick out Future incidents may be easy to catch.
Possible target rdm. Likely simple repeated rdm followed by ragequit.
I support this as i was there and saw everything happen.
He RDMed earlier too but i gave him one last warning which then he stopped then did it again .-.
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