Bans (Read Only) > Approved
Hi I'm appealing that the unjustified ban wasn't long enough.
Dark Pacifist:
Ironically you cleared this up with something I wasn't aware of... so the barrel killed whagman the previous round I thought the body he was carrying did that and payed no mind. That was more or less an accident underground involving the barrel machine a t-body the det and a famas.
Lol the bulk of the posts pertain to a non matter case of target killing...
Now that this is straightened out I'm fine with the decision. I even forgot that I ragged on * late that round. So honestly I should be surprised it wasn't longer for "disrespecting admins"as well...
So basically there was a misunderstanding with your binded keys, except for the last sentence.
Imo, you should rebind your keys to stop misunderstanding in the future.
I tried talking to you, since appears you removed me from your friends list I'll take my decision tomorrow based on someone playing in the moment of the event.
Regarding the ban length, you should put in my shoes, taking in mind 4+ ppl reporting and saying You were trolling, Target Rdming and being an asshole for the things you were saying by [Your misunderstood binds], Looking at the logs see you killed a detective being innocent, even some other round doing 20 dmg to a player that i guess is a crowbar hit, what conclusion will you get?.
I didn't know you raged at *, If you disrespect up to him, You had to talk to me about this if something was wrong.
Regarding your ban.
I talked with several people about you, confirmed accident but they also told me you do Target/Revenge Rdm a lot so be aware that can lead future bans, please, try hard to do not do it.
Result: Approved, unbanning after post.
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