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Windows 8

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Is it worth (the weight) to get? My friend says it's pretty awesome and faster than Windows 7, mainly because of the fast boot up feature. But I've also seen and heard about the bad vibes of that it's not really a PC anymore and more optimized for touch screens. Thoughts?

NO A lot of things are uncountable STILL.

It's an opinion really, people hated Windows 7 when it came out and now everyone loves it, some people say that its the best OS to date, I wouldn't be surprised if it's the same with Windows 8.
I myself love it, the charms bar is convenient (FOR ME), the start is convenient (FOR ME), and the start up and shutdown times are amazing even with a non SSD.
My advice to you is set up a VM (Virtual Machine) and test it yourself it without changing the OS, just pirate it or something so you don't have to pay $100 and if you like it you can buy it and put it on your main machine.


--- Quote from: Ϝuzsioᴎ on February 08, 2013, 11:12:54 PM ---It's an opinion really, people hated Windows 7 when it came out and now everyone loves it, some people say that its the best OS to date, I wouldn't be surprised if it's the same with Windows 8.

--- End quote ---

Seeing that Vista was nearly terrible, Windows 7 seemed better than nothing.

What's a good Virtual Machine program I should use then?


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