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ex-cop killing spreeeeeee.

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Hey so i'm not sure if you guys have heard of this guy in the southern california area, but he's basically an ex-cop going on a killing spree because of some shit.


his manifesto is long as fuck, but i think it's worth reading and i was wondering what you guys thought.

I think he's crazy, but what he says in this does kind of make sense, but i'm not saying that what he is doing is right.

Edit: btw his first killings were in my city

It's like the plot of an action movie, haha.

I don't know what to say.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)I feel him, I do, but...

I don't know. Good guy, pushed too far. I mean, for what he's been though, that's life here and now in this day and age. For him to snap because of it really makes me think he'd have one of the largest hearts a man could have- just a bit misguided.

Would still shake his hand... but condemn the loss of life, though by now there's no stopping him.

I don't know what to say. Just hope whatever good he intends (if it'd bring any good to anyone) actually does come.

Still don't like the whole "I'm going to kill you and those around you because you are propagating a disease known as bigotry" thing, but... maybe it'd change the way people behave. Just in a really grim way.

If it's happened once that someone so real could just turn into the next walking homicide because a couple people conformed to a stigmatized idea/viewpoint, maybe people won't cling to those things in order to, well, prevent the next walking homicide. Not instantaneously, but... I don't know.
Either way, tl;dr mixed feelings, hopes no one gets hurt. (Who do I kid, he's not going to stop :<)

Cake Faice:

--- Quote from: ·UηİŦ··© on February 09, 2013, 10:21:00 AM ---Either way, tl;dr mixed feelings, hopes no one gets hurt. (Who do I kid, he's not going to stop :<)

--- End quote ---
I think its a bit too late for that.


--- Quote from: ·UηİŦ··© on February 09, 2013, 10:21:00 AM ---I don't know what to say.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)I feel him, I do, but...

I don't know. Good guy, pushed too far. I mean, for what he's been though, that's life here and now in this day and age. For him to snap because of it really makes me think he'd have one of the largest hearts a man could have- just a bit misguided.

Would still shake his hand... but condemn the loss of life, though by now there's no stopping him.

I don't know what to say. Just hope whatever good he intends (if it'd bring any good to anyone) actually does come.

Still don't like the whole "I'm going to kill you and those around you because you are propagating a disease known as bigotry" thing, but... maybe it'd change the way people behave. Just in a really grim way.

If it's happened once that someone so real could just turn into the next walking homicide because a couple people conformed to a stigmatized idea/viewpoint, maybe people won't cling to those things in order to, well, prevent the next walking homicide. Not instantaneously, but... I don't know.
Either way, tl;dr mixed feelings, hopes no one gets hurt. (Who do I kid, he's not going to stop :<)

--- End quote ---

He does not sound like a good fellow to me. He just views himself as a victim of his life. He claims that he isn't a bully, and was always nice to people. However, when someone called him a derogatory name his response was to jump over 3 rows of seats of people and started to strangle the person in question. After that he said that it would of been better for him to just "Shoot them all in the head with my colt".

That to me is not the behavior of a good person. That is the behavior of a child in a mans body.

Yes he grew up as an extreme minority in the school he went to. Yes he was picked on as a child. I can understand in some respects as to why he was driven to do what he did.

However, none of what happened to him comes even close to justifying his actions.

The LAPD as well have also completely dropped the ball on this situation, and have killed/nearly killed several innocent people who slightly matched his description.

That said, two wrong things do not make a right, it just makes both him and the LAPD wrong.


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