.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion
So I am taking my driving lessons soon so I can get my permit and then 16 study and take test and what not for license so I was wondering if you guys could share your driving lessons experiences or if you are taking classes or if you are getting ready to take the class etc.
Spoiler (click to show/hide) sorry if someone posted this as a topic to
Find a big, empty area to drive in.
Learn the limits of the vehicle.
Learn the limits of yourself as a driver.
Remember that each vehicle you drive is different; They are machines, and machines can be strange.
Know that you WILL start off as a poor driver, and experience behind the wheel is the only thing that will change that.
Edit: Also, bear in mind; operation of a vehicle is completely COMPLETELY different than operating in a structured system (driving on the road). It is much much harder to do, so learn from the start defensive driving techniques and such.
○ Μαρία ○:
Drivers ED is provided by my school for free so. I am planning on getting my permit before my birthday.
Make sure you drive on the sidewalk to kill prostitutes for points!
But in all seriousness, I don't know how to drive, I'd think to do what Deacon said.
Cake Faice:
If you're going to start somewhere, do what Deacon said and find a big empty area. What I did was find a huge park afterdark and practiced driving, braking, parking, and stick shifting.
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