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Modify the barrett

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--- Quote from: TehHaneKawa on February 06, 2013, 03:12:44 AM ---3. User gets pushed back by recoil (similair to a newton launcher blast) while standing

Crouching is unaffected.

--- End quote ---
Think about it, this will be used by the players advantage, say you're in a fight infront of the lighthouse in ttt_minecraft, you can just fly backwards and get away.

Also, flying backwards is fun.

Just make a note pop up whenever you pick it up saying that you have to crouch to shoot it.
Problem solved.

I like that push thing. It's like rocket jumping but with recoil and not explosions. I like explosions.

I would like to kill some peoples with out having to crouch
I fully support this
As long the stats stay the same then i am okay with it :3

If Barrett's an insta-kill then I think it's just fine that you need to crouch.

I was reading from the phone and it only showed the last 3 messages, so I thought that was it. Anyway, I think crouching is alright.
 Maybe... just maybe... make the damage higher. Just maybe. Since a shot with that kind of gun anywhere in your torso would probably... kill you.


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