Bans (Read Only) > Approved

I don't know what the fuck this was but it doesn't look good


1. Player's SteamID: 1.
                                 3. STEAM_0:1:28263413
                                 4. STEAM_0:1:25175773

2. Players Nickname: 1. ZanTaxic
                                  2. Jones
                                  3. WarkineGhandu
                                  4. PellerPlys

3. Your in-game name: Prox

4. Server name: Trouble in Terrorist Town

5. Description of the event(s): It all started with ZanTaxic's attempt to first blood rdm, after I vote banned him his friends immediately flipped out and started talking shit, by the time I vote banned another one of them the other two have left.

6. Reason for ban: Possible ghosting, teaming up, rdming, disrespect

7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s):Spoiler (click to show/hide)   On top of that, three of them, PellerPlys, Jones and WarkineGhandu have private profiles and ZanTaxic's friend list show that they all are friends, Jones has been vac banned as well which could mean that he had some sort of T hack and told ZanTaxic that I was a traitor, but it's only a theory.
   While this report may seem lacking proof but I have a very high suspicion of them ghosting together.


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