Promotions (Read Only) > Approved
CodeKyuubi's Regular Application 1/29/13
Nickname: CodeKyuubi
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:16473099
Favorite Interests: Gaming, reading, eating, sleeping, writing, drawing, watching anime.
Favorite Servers: TTT, Minecraft, and occasionally ZS if enough people are on.
Time Online: All day, unless I'm busy.
Age: 22
Location: California
Languages I Speak: American, some Korean, a little bit of British English.
Occupation: Student
Education: Some college.
Some stuff I don't like: Insects, celery, pain.
Other games I play: League of Legends, Guild Wars 2, Ragnarok Online 2, Planetside 2, Civilizations IV, Civilizations V, Galactic Civilizations 2, Hawken, Company of Heroes, Starcraft 2.
Some stuff I do like: Onions, snacks, intelligent conversations, correct spelling.
I'm CodeKyuubi. I've been on the server since September of 2012 on my first excursion into TTT and Garrys Mod (RND was the only full server on the list when I tried to join one). I came to enjoy the server and its regular inhabitants. After joining Teamspeak and playing Minecraft with the other members, some other members encouraged me to apply for Regular so here I am. I'd say the reason I want to be a Regular is to become an official part of the Random community, and also to be able to vote against some of the pesky trolls in TTT.
I've been encouraging you to do this for a long time.
So No.
I mean yes.
or whatever.
Knows his shit, fun to play with, and he's just a great guy overall
YES. A great player who is very active, he knows all the rules, and is very fun to play with.
Dark Pacifist:
Yet another long overdue application here.
Mature player, fun to be around. knows his stuff, been around for quite awhile.
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