Promotions (Read Only) > Approved

basileus deorum reg

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--- Quote from: Ϝuzsioᴎ on January 28, 2013, 04:07:22 PM ---HA HA


--- End quote ---
Care to give a valid mature reason why for your vote?

Honestly this is the worst app I've ever seen, and the reason is the worst aswell. I'd suggest redoing it and put a little bit more effort.

Digital is a long time ttt player and is a cool guy to be around with  :thumbsup:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)  Really redo this reg app makes it look like you just want reg for the lawls lol

Cheesy Sandwich:

--- Quote from: TehHank on January 28, 2013, 04:26:22 PM ---Care to give a valid mature reason why for your vote?

--- End quote ---

i know the reason, digital is mean to him B/C of his voice. "blah blah Digital offends me" if you know him, you should know He hates little voices.

my 2 cents.

OH, and yeah  :thumbsup: from me, and you shouldput sum moref effort into ur app..

Funny guy who can keep up good conversation +1

Though, please modify your post as everyone has told you to, include everything from the sample app here:,13489.0.html so the other guys don't give you more shit.


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