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Tiger Guy:

--- Quote from: Lavenchie on February 01, 2013, 10:04:58 AM ---If you really had to go Xin it would be better if you went jungle or used Kog' as an ADC

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Yeah, I want to try Jungle Xin. I would be doing it right now if the NA servers weren't down.

Doctor Who:

--- Quote from: Lavenchie on January 31, 2013, 07:55:55 PM ---Well ok, how about this
If you want to join the ranked team post below

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I can go any lane honestly: teemo, katarina, veigar, mordekaiser, brand, and lux for mid

support: lux, alistar, nunu, kayle, and teemo

jungle: amumu and darius

adc/apc: teemo, tristana, ezreal, or ashe,

top: darius, jayce, mordekaiser, katarina, teemo, or kayle

but I rather mainly prefer going mid

Roster updated, also remember guys there can be back ups for every role but two seeing how the max people per team is eight.

» Magic «:
I wanna join

Times are GMT - Whenever I awake/Whenever I'm not playing with irls

Can do:

Top: Riven, Cho'Gath, Darius, Xin Zhao
Mid: LeBlanc, Diana, Kayle, Lux, Katarina, Veigar, Mordekaiser
Bot: Vayne, Twisted Fate, Shaco, Kayle, Sion, Nocturne, Ezreal (can also support Sona, but I don't own her)
Jungle: Amumu(*_*), Shaco, Nocturne, Kayle, Riven

I'd say I was quite versatile :3


--- Quote from: » Magic « on February 01, 2013, 11:25:54 AM ---I wanna join

Times are GMT - Whenever I awake/Whenever I'm not playing with irls

Can do:

Top: Riven, Cho'Gath, Darius, Xin Zhao
Mid: LeBlanc, Diana, Kayle, Lux, Katarina, Veigar, Mordekaiser
Bot: Vayne, Twisted Fate, Shaco, Kayle, Sion, Nocturne, Ezreal (can also support Sona, but I don't own her)
Jungle: Amumu(*_*), Shaco, Nocturne, Kayle, Riven

I'd say I was quite versatile :3

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Added as ADC, we don't have a certain one yet and a hypercarry vayne would be nice. Ezreal's nice but he got nerfed last patch.


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