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League of Legends General

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Doctor Who:

--- Quote from: Lavenchie on January 28, 2013, 04:59:34 AM ---Hit my 400 win mark last night. Feels good man.

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I hit my first 50 win mark. feels bullshit man

--- Quote from: KHMarie on January 28, 2013, 05:07:56 AM ---As of now I mostly main Jungle Vi, and I'm level 23 atm. <3

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Step your game up nig

I quit LoL because it was too addicting. I only ever got up to level 24 or something though


--- Quote from: †KHMarie† on January 27, 2013, 10:23:45 PM ---Oooo also I was thinking when the majority of us reach level 30, we should make a rANdOm ranked team.

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If you mean everyone , I'm pretty sure there are already more than 5 guys lvl 30 in rNd.


--- Quote from: memo3300 on January 28, 2013, 12:06:24 PM ---If you mean everyone , I'm pretty sure there are already more than 5 guys lvl 30 in rNd.

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She probably means once her and Tiger are level 30 as well since they're the same level.


--- Quote from: †KHMarie† on January 27, 2013, 10:35:59 PM ---I am sure there is a lot of rule 34 about that...

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like that ONE picture, you know zoey SPEARS


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