Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved
DJ Ninja's Regular Application 1/26/13
Asuna Yuuki:
--- Quote from: Cariad on January 26, 2013, 04:54:26 PM ---I haven't played on the servers a lot recently due to training, but I didn't like him whatsoever before. But if Saivon says he has improved then I will leave it a +0 for now.
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Your in training?! For what?
--- Quote from: TehHank on January 26, 2013, 03:01:31 PM ---Then why bother posting an application for a rank you don't need?
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who needs regular?
I mean, most of people who apply for it doesn't need it for wire because they don't even play it.
I think that in others words he wants to show and be known as a good player involved in the community.
...even tough the words he chose didn't help him.
anyways I know he wants regular badly and from past experiences he is a nice guy. Haven't played with him lately sadly so I can't tell how he have been playing lately.
From what I've seen I think he's a good guy. Apparently he had a past but this is like the first time I've seen him on from as long as I've been playing. If he plans on being a Reg I suggest he continue being active on servers. So +1
--- Quote from: DJ Ninja on January 26, 2013, 08:51:04 PM ---Your in training?! For what?
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If I told you, I'd derail this. I'll play a bit more on the ZS/TTT to see if you've improved from when we first met...
Who needs any rank? I don't need VIP, neither does anyone else. It may improve the experience being able to just ban mingies at a whim but it's not necessary.
I stay away from most applications these days due to my lacking activity on the servers. However, from the immaturity he's shown in TS3 I'd have to say no.
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