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Best Graphics card for 100$ if not a bit above?

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--- Quote from: TaNkBuStErS on January 24, 2013, 06:20:04 PM ---For about $100, you could get this 7770 GHZ Spoiler (click to show/hide)
For around $130, you could get any GTX 650 Ti.

For around $150+, you could get an HD 7850

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So I am planning on buying the card tomorrow

Is the the $130 you were talking about?

Unless you really want PhysX, I'd go with a 7770. It can go as low as $110, and has an edge on the 650 in pretty much everything.


--- Quote from: Zevante on February 01, 2013, 10:04:10 AM ---Unless you really want PhysX, I'd go with a 7770. It can go as low as $110, and has an edge on the 650 in pretty much everything.

--- End quote ---

Alright so this one right?

I'll buy it when I get home


--- Quote from: Juan_Ambriz on February 01, 2013, 10:48:34 AM ---Alright so this one right?

I'll buy it when I get home

--- End quote ---

I'd get the Sapphire one, as it's cheaper and (IMO) Sapphire is a better brand.

Alright tomorrow I'm going to my local bestbuy to buy a new graphics card;jsessionid=B249BD328AE9BC1BE623E7C8B6087003.bbolsp-app02-175?id=1218808243147&skuId=6820159&st=Pny%20gtx%20550%202%20GH&cp=1&lp=12

Is this worth it, and should I continue with the buy lol and yes I have the money.


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