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Favorite Drink

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My favorite drink of all time would most certainly have to be Cranberry Juice, or specifically:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)I could drink this shit for the rest of my life, and it's normally always what I'm drinking. I also like the fact that it's not that bad for you, depending on the type of cranberry juice, it can actually be good for you; helping with bladder infections, tooth decay, high in vitamin C which is good for preventing colds, and other things. Though natural un-sweetened Cranberry juice would provide more benefits, even with sweetened versions aren't that bad, just a bit more sugar. What is your guys choice of drink?

I love cranberry juice, but really I love any fruit juice based drink I've had... love fruit o-o

Love smoothies of it, pomegranate, raspberry, strawberries, etc. :D

Consintrated Orange Juice
I just pour it in the glass.

Kvass and mineral water.

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