Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved

cvissia's Regular Application (1-5-2013)

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Nickname: cvissia
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:34353243
Favorite Interests: Computers, TTT, Garry's Mod, Minecraft, Playing Outisde
Favorite Servers: RND TTT, RND Zombies
Time Online: I am usually online for 6 hours throughout the day
Age: 15
Location: USA
Other Games I Play: Minecraft, Call of Duty, L4D2 (Xbox)

Summary: Hello, I am Caleb Vissia and I am here today to apply for Regular once again. I have tried before but I hope things won't end up badly
this time :D. I am a nice, respectful, and fun person. I have a good judgement on a whole lot of things like Voting and other things. I like to
be as patient as I can with people and will answer questions if they ask them. I hope to be a regular and I will see you guys later! :D

Note: I did not take Cable(heart)'s name. It was my nickname given to me by my sister when I was 6 or 7. :D Thanks :D

I thought you were permanently banned?
Or at least banned for months for ghosting with tvissia/mvissia.

Erm, I don't know what to expect from cvissia ever since that incident. I played with him on TTT today and I'm still not sure if his maturity level is there yet. He's a nice guy but I'll hold off on voting until I hear other opinions on him. He also needs to be more active so others can make a clear vote, since today was the only time I've seen him on.

» Magic «:
Oh shit, haven't seen you in years o.o

Welcome back old friend, play s'more and get the community to get to know you :P

@Sabb What's done is done and he can either learn from it or continue and get banned for longer/perma


--- Quote from: » Magic « on January 05, 2013, 07:56:14 PM ---Oh shit, haven't seen you in years o.o

Welcome back old friend, play s'more and get the community to get to know you :P

@Sabb What's done is done and he can either learn from it or continue and get banned for longer/perma

--- End quote ---

god I remember I felt like facepalming with all the fails of Dj ninja

anyways, how long have you been playing lately? I mean you just came back or you have been around for a good time?

Id say you play more on the servers and get people to know you.


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