Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved

Saetik's Regular application 1/4/13

(1/4) > >>

Nickname: Saetik
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:28926325
Favorite Interests: Guitar, video games, reading
Favorite Servers: TTT and Zombie Survival
Time Online: 10 AM - 2:45 AM (-6)

Age: 16
Location: Texas
Languages I Speak: English, German, Latin, Spanish
Occupation: Looking for jerbs
Education: Eduwhat? Highschool.
Some stuff I don't like: People that ruin the game for others.
Other games I play: Battlefield 3, Crysis 2, Far Cry 3, AC 3, Call of Derp modern derp 2, WoW, Portal 2, L4D2, and ARMA 2 combined Ops (Day-Z)

Summary: The reason I made this application is so that I can help monitor the servers and help vote kick or ban a RDMER if they are causing any problems. I am definitely a friendly player, looking to have fun with others. And I can usually be mostly found on the TTT server.

I think you're a cool guy and all and a great player but I don't think you're ready for regular. I mostly don't think you're ready because of your poor judgement when it comes to killing people. Like, you'll just kill somebody just because of a joke when they call themselves out in the beginning of the round, or if somebody calls somebody else out in the beginning of the round for fun. I also seen you RDM once or twice at the end of the round to see if you're lucky. :thumbsdown: I want to see improvement on your judgemental skills.

Played with him, and his judgment can be poor at certain times but he doesn't break any rules and complies with every player, so for me its a +1 as long as he behaves like this.


--- Quote from: Lazord12 on January 04, 2013, 03:06:29 PM ---I think you're a cool guy and all and a great player but I don't think you're ready for regular. I mostly don't think you're ready because of your poor judgement when it comes to killing people. Like, you'll just kill somebody just because of a joke when they call themselves out in the beginning of the round, or if somebody calls somebody else out in the beginning of the round for fun. I also seen you RDM once or twice at the end of the round to see if you're lucky. :thumbsdown: I want to see improvement on your judgemental skills.

--- End quote ---

Cheesy Sandwich:
:Edit  ;D See below post


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