Creative Arts (Read Only) > Graphics
I don't know what I'm doing
Spoiler (click to show/hide)look at that clusterfuck of nonsense
and that swag text I spent 5 seconds on
There are some things I could fix in this to make it an actual image (Like the ghosting of some of the shapes), but I don't feel like it just #17 of the 19 images I churned out today.
Looks like a screen saver.
Now if those things/lines moved, I would pay money for that (not really)
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Looks like when I'm playing Warriors Orochi and it's just a clusterfuck of I don't even.
--- Quote from: †KHMarie† on January 01, 2013, 06:25:49 PM ---Looks like when I'm playing Warriors Orochi and it's just a clusterfuck of I don't even.
--- End quote ---
Or Touhou with curved lasers. Curved. Lasers.
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