Bans (Read Only) > Approved

Ghosting buddies


1. Player's SteamID:

2. Players Nickname: ‡TT‡ The Real Slim Shady
                                  ‡TT‡ PixeL [Pro-@-Gasing]

3. Your in-game name: Prox

4. Server name: Trouble in Terrorist Town

5. Reason for ban: Rdming, giving T weapons to innocent, teaming up with T as innocent, possible ghosting

6. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s): Spoiler (click to show/hide)While there aren't any real proof of them ghosting, or teaming up, but they were pretty much walking around together all the time and one of them even implies in chat that he gave the T weapon to his friend.

Also Dale said he's going to support this one.

Dale Feles:

--- Quote from: Prox on December 30, 2012, 09:42:55 AM ---Also Dale said he's going to support this one.

--- End quote ---


I've witnessed Pixel give a knife to Slim, so of course I killed Pixel, who turned out to be a T, and then warned him. He stated "It wasn't stated in the rules", or something along those lines. We told him it was ghosting and against the rules. After that, One of them was traitor, I don't remember who and again gave a knife to their buddy. The innocent who received the knife was running towards someone, but the T was shot first and then the round ended. That's when I votebanned Pixel and Prox votebanned Shady.

Whilst there isn't much proof, these guys were clearly teaming up, as they coordinated pretty well. Pretty sure they were using some kind of voice communication to work together. I support this report.



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