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(.:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™) Regular Application (10/23/2010) (Unit)

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 :-X  It's Been a While :zombie:. Some things have Changed Drastically, some, not so much. Now, I'm not Completely familiar with, Whatever, but I'll try.
Unit's Regular Application!


SteamID: STEAM_0:0:21119489

In-Game Name: .:RND`=-··UηİŦ··™

When Joined RND: Around late November 2009. But, to be fair, I was playing since July as a nimble worthless person dudebro. It's just the Manbaby had to muster all of his courage to post on the Forums like All the other Big kidz :O

Real Name: Chris

Time online: Now, I'm most likely to be on from 3-11 PM EST on weekdays, but that can vary only in the slightest (For example, Home late= 4-12 PM EST, or fuckloads of homeworks, sleeping, building shit IRL, Building shit and then blacking out etc).
Weekends, All day, when I can join into a Server, I'm on. Unless, you know, like, Something Happens. Like Serious shit. Like I got my hand cut off or some crazy shit. Stuff.

Servers: Wirebuild, Trouble in Terrorist Town, Sledbuild, and once I figure out what the heck is going on, Pirate wars.

Age:15 still... I swear, 3-7 months ago feels like, a year ago.

Birthday:April 9th

Games (on Steam):Gmod, GTAIV, CS:source, TF2

Location:Ontario, Canada

Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular: If I could make it any more shorter it would be Unit was Before Respect now want have regular because okay person do right with power and Create/contribute to server.

If you want to contact me for anything, either ask for me to add you on Steam (Due to Complications) or use any of the following:

>Your very own thank you message<

Spoiler (click to show/hide)Worst injury Evah: Arm rotated 253 degrees counter clockwise, popped out of socket. I was scared shitless, like fuck do you have any idea what... nevermind. Well actually this one time I got shot... It was minor except for when I was again shitting myself now because I was bleeding and my arm went numb with fire, as the bullet just skimmed the underside of my Right Forearm and Lodged near my elbow :o Serves me right for thinking I can block bullets with mah hands... Also it's because it was a Stray bullet, but still, you know when you just Feel something, and sometimes you just flinch and your foremost hand does whatever first? At least it didn't go through and hit me somewhere important. I almost Neutered myself once with Jumping and wood.... it was funny because instead of Going into a Fetal position I landed on my side. Yey not Infertile!
Almost got killed by a Subway train too. Once. Not twice.

Most awesome things ever: IPhearkingmodifiedit, Halloween costume from 2003, Learned to use the computer at 5, June 21st, 1999. Met Destiny's Child (I think because I remember about it and then look back and it kinda seems like) at my Grandfather's funeral and Rode with my Cousin in a Limo at 5 Also. Honestly at that age I thought they were just some really rich relative people at the funeral. Then I asked my Dad and he was like those were Famous ladies and I was like :o My Grandfather knew famous ladies (?) because he was friends with this dudebro back in the day who knew people as well later on and then later got hired for some shit that involved another buisness dudebro or something, and because he died and teh two of them were best friends or some shit, Something and something else and something about them coming there because I can't remember after I got out of the Limo to go to that place where they eat food with the finger food shit at that receptionist place or something because after that we played Gameboy in teh Rec room for 4 hours straight and I developed a Acquired taste for certain foods because stupid dares and stuff with my bros n shit... stupid Gameboy made me forget... I did meet the dude but honestly I was just like... "Oh Shit a Limo and fancy people" mah mommeh and daddeh sent meh wif mah cousin off early because they were mourning or something and I had not a clue about anything around that stuff. Also probably because 5 year olds and 7 year olds shouldn't be walking around graves like a playground. Sure I was sad but like... stuff. Anyways yeah.  I remember it because I was talking about Why Fruit Juice Looks liek Fruit Juice, then it looks like something else entirely as I was playing with the POWAH WINDOW OMG. I never saw Power windows in regular cars until I broke my Brother's White Ferrari... I think it was a Ferrari F50 GT 1996 model with a hardtop or something. Anways I was fucking around with the steering, "I'm driving neeerrrwwwww omgsocoollookimactuallytouchingthesteeringwheeellllllllllaaaaa" then I think I broke the steering or something. ooops >_> That car was so cool too. He still has it, it just, doesn't steer. Then my mother got a Dodge Grand Caravan thingy and my bro just got a Nissan after... Nissan didn't have power Windows. Dodge did and that blew my mind. HOLY SHIT LOOK AT ALL THOSE SEATS. WHY DOES IT SMELL SO GOOD IN HERE. Oh and this one time We were at a Pool Birthday party with my Friends and when we were having cake upstairs there were these NAKED people in the pool below us and we could fully see them and it was lolz. So anyways that's just something to fill the space. I don't know, what else do you want to know about me? I just kinda tripped down memory lane and wrote this in order for filler space.
 OH SHIT RIGHT I KNEW THIS GIRL IN GRADE 3 WHO WAS A CHILDHOOD SINGING PERSON WHO SANG FOR LIKE CHRISTMAS SPECIALS I just remembered after looking at facebook :o every Assembly and stuffs. Oh and this guy I knew in Grade 6, Josh or something, Joined the Crips or something before we Graduated. He showed us this purple sign thing medal thing with a chain on it before the end of the day when we were outisde. It was weird. Ne'er saw him 'gain :o
Spoiler (click to show/hide)About Me:
Just some dudebro Who likes to Build stuffs, and Stuffs, and Music... and Sci-fi shit, and Game stuffs, Lights, Machines, Gears, Cars, Girls, Space, Cartoons that were made for kids but still include things that should be on Adult Swim, Old Cartoons that never get old, Lucid Dreaming, Spoiler (click to show/hide)Halo stuff, hmm... I am Fairly what is a God with the computer compared to others around me locally which is frustrating as hell when someone asks you how to goddamn use WINDOWS MOVIE MAKERRRRR or how to print, or how to post videos, or how did you know how to use Photo shop, or how do you make videos like that or how did you mod that or or or, oh no, or "I think you should use this *crappy* program to make pictur-" And then I use Photoshop instead of Wordperfect. "Oh you know how to use that? How?" Oh gee, I thought I was the Stupid student... wooooaahhh, Well I don't know maybe I KNEW HOW TO USE IT ALL ALONG ffffffffFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFuuuuuuuuuuck :gtfo:
I make the computer teacher look like shit sometimes. Karma is a Bitch, because every time he talks down to me like I don't know anything, I'm 140 steps ahead of everyone, including him. Hell, 99% of everything we do in that class I've done before. And fuck me, "Oh I doubt you know how to do that". Rant is Rant to fill in empty space. Rawr so I'm a Computar Nehrd sometimes Gua. I built a phone out of other phones :D (I had a Iphone 2nd gen and just basically modified the frame so much, it's not even thin anymore). I took mah 360, shelled it, And modified an Xbox "Original" casing to fit the #60's guts into. IM PRONE T MAKE SPELLING ERRORS SOMETIMES STOP YELLING AT ME IM NOT PERFECT :O Sometimes I can be a Cool Guy but, every whatever Has it's silver whatever or something other thing coolbro. Just, leave me be and we're cool. Start poking me with a Giant Stick (God forbid it's a Human Stick) and On the forums we go-eh, wait, yeah, that counts for the other thing too :I
Shit; speaking of which I'm Male. Once on TTT everyone thought I was a Girl because of my name. I don't understand how Unit=Girlz. Fuck. Not... no. No. I'm MALE.  Oh and I quote Obscene Posts ingame because. Then I bind them, and whenever it goes silent, or we need a new topic, I just press any key to continue/_
I don't quite really know what else to say... really... I'm out of ideas. Last time I had a canvas. Now it's kinda like re-writing something that you Winged. Plus I got older so I got more stupider.

Oh, and other stuff, stuff, oh and don't forget stuff.
 :idk: Honestly I think I wrote my last one much, Much, MUCH better than this. Maybe it's because I already Had a Taste of things. But, I'd at least want to be able to do my part again and make sure no one gets fucked around with by mingees, even, to prevent minges from fucking around with us in teh first place :< Spoiler (click to show/hide)And, also, to not be branded as such. Guests never get heard, usually you consider them as Newbs who know nothingz or minges who want second blood from your precious, precious supply of Nutritious Goopy Stuff.  :abuse:
And not that Goopy Stuff  :pacman:Edit: This looks Proper.

Worst app ever, best player evar.  :thumbsup: c:


--- Quote from: gamefreak171 on October 23, 2010, 12:21:32 PM ---Worst app ever, best player evar.  :thumbsup: c:

--- End quote ---
Worst because I filled the empty spaces with Nonrelevant information, or Worst because I forgot how to not Worst?  :yes:


--- Quote from: Unit2 on October 23, 2010, 12:24:56 PM ---Worst because I filled the empty spaces with Nonrelevant information, or Worst because I forgot how to not Worst?  :yes:

--- End quote ---

Worst because you didn't follow any guidelines whatsoever :P


--- Quote from: gamefreak171 on October 23, 2010, 12:45:30 PM ---Worst because you didn't follow any guidelines whatsoever :P

--- End quote ---
Fix'd. Also I owe you for showing me dat   :-X


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