Bans (Read Only) > Unapproved
Fuzsion Minecraft re-whitelist
1. Player's SteamID (STEAM_0:0:1234)Minecraft Username
2. Players Nickname
3. Server name (Wirebuild, Zombie Survival)
4. Description of the event(s)
I broke a few glass blocks to kill someone, so it was minor grief, Deacon asked why I did it and I was honest, I told him so I could kil someone and get a few laughs out of it, I have been told by Deacon I am not allowed on the servers for 1 day, I said ok I'll wait it out, Next day I go on TS3 and Minecraft, says I'm not whitelisted, I was asking what was up and I was de-whitelisted, I go on the MC post and I saw I was de-whitelisted for quote on quote "removed from whitelist for killing someone just to kill another player." this is not accurate at all, unless you are talking about Juan and Loke I will be interested for any other proof with this...
I apologize to Deacon or any other admin if I didn't listen well or what, I just want this out of the way.
5. Reason for appeal
Mainly because I was not told it was permanently, I've been told it was for a day not permanently.
6. Link to sourceban page (
Oh and I'm back from my little gaming break.
"Oh and I'm back from my little gaming break."
1 whole day is considered a break? Knew you'd come back fast(but shit not this fast) and you'll use your mic day 1 as well.
Anyways to the appeal, Wasn't that glasss shit a week ago? Maybe that wasn't the reason you were banned?
From my point of view, you got banned for minor bugging, so yeah (again from my point of view) you should be unbanned but any future punishment should be more strict.
I won't say anything without coolz' consent. However, there were several reasons, not just the one, that led to the de-whitelisting.
This Cactus:
--- Quote from: HideoKojima on December 17, 2012, 11:47:39 PM ---"Oh and I'm back from my little gaming break."
1 whole day is considered a break? Knew you'd come back fast(but shit not this fast) and you'll use your mic day 1 as well.
Anyways to the appeal, Wasn't that glasss shit a week ago? Maybe that wasn't the reason you were banned?
--- End quote ---
for me, fuzsion's voice isnt that bad... for me .-. atleast its not too high :L i kinda am already through with it... all thats left is me :~:
Not sure wat to say to this appeal, havent seen anything much
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