Bans (Read Only) > Unapproved

Loke's MC appeal.

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1. Player's SteamID: Unneded

2. Players Nickname: Loke

3. Your in-game name: evilloker

4. Server name: Minecraft Vanilla

5. Description of the event(s): Well, I was banned for accusations of "orehack" in Minecraft. I had argued with Deacon, and he had told me to make a report because he told me that there was some proof. Whoever has the "proof" Please present it.

6. Reason for appeal Was not hacking.



--- Quote from: Deacon on December 15, 2012, 01:38:37 PM ---1:

2: Admitted to hacking in the past. Admitted full well to using Rei's minimap, which is a violation of Global Rule #2.

3: Coolz has the proof and it is at his discretion to release publicly.

--- End quote ---

The thing is that nobody has told me Rei's wasn't allowed. Snivy was even talking about how he apporves of it so it was pretty obvious to me.
And yes, I have hacked in the past, but this is the present. The past doesn't have anything to do with this.

I'm confused. Is there more proof?
Because I thought me and coolz had agreed that minimaps were fine as long as they don't show anything, which the one he's using doesn't. It only shows the surface. It does show where mobs are but that shouldn't be a big deal, and it doesn't show where diamonds and such are so...

Not my ban. Can't help you.

Also, not to sound like a dick, but this isn't Snivy's server.
Global rules apply.

Sabb, I don't know if this was the reason, but it is one of mine. I don't see why we should allow untraceable clientside hacks/scripts that give people an unfair advantage. Of any kind. And Rei's has entity tracking, to include other players, which I've experienced exploited firsthand. It has cavemapping, to let you know where you're digging. It shouldn't be a problem, but these untraceable little features spoil it entirely.


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