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SCP-Series rNd Project (UPDATED 02/08/2014)
Assuming the name of a well known SCP Foundation member of staff, I am going to attempt to write a majority of Members here, a SCP file just for the lulz in case something goes terribly wrong with humanity.
If you would like a SCP File written of you, please reply with the following format:
-SCP Nickname
-Rough Height and weight.
-Anomalous Properties (e.g. Telepathy, invisibility and Perma Virginity)
only [DATA EXPUNGED] members will have a SCP file created on them, So first come first served.
SCP files currently written
Spoiler (click to show/hide)SCP-7769-J "Prox the Transformer"Spoiler (click to show/hide)SCP-7769-J
Item #: SCP-7769-J
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7769-J is to be contained inside a 10m x 10m x 10m holding cell and is to be furnished to the Subject's needs as long as they do not violate any standard SCP procedure. Subject is not to be allowed to exit his containment cell unless escorted by 2 Level 2 clearance personal and is able to dine in the Staff canteen if the Subject wishes but under strict watch. Subject is only allowed to use his abilities in the Facilities Aerodrome when the subject is requested for experimentation by foundation Staff or under special permission and is allowed to be used for procrastination.
SCP-7769-J is to be implanted with a tracking device that will tranquilise the Subject if he attempts to escape the 2km Foundation Containment zone whether by air, on the ground or under the ground. If Subject morphs into an object too big and causes property damaged within the facility and is effectively immobile, Staff are to equip Mk III Tranquiliser rifles as this will revert the morphing process when used on the Subject. On no grounds are lethal weaponry are to be used against SCP-7769-J unless he is infringing his Containment Procedures and is attempting a Containment Breach in which a combination of Tranquilisers and Live ammunition can be used under order by [REDACTED]. Subject currently resides in Site-763
Description: SCP-7769-J who refers to himself as "Prox", appears to be a Baltic male. He appears to be around late adolescent age of around 15-18 years. Subject has Brown hair and an Unknown eye colour known to mankind, is 1.81 meters in height, and weighs 68kg in weight (variable). Subject does not appear to have any out-of-ordinary physical characteristics. Subject displays all basic needs of a normal human being, but deeply favours the combination of Tomatoes and Battered with a hammer Steak.
While SCP-7769-J does not usually exhibit his anomalous properties, the Subject has the ability to morph into any object of the Subjects choosing usually a vehicle of some type, ranging from a RC Car to a Tupolev Tu-160 Strategic bomber. Other non-vehicle objects include a Portable Video Camera, [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] but have been known to somewhat biologically malfunction, causing the Subject to morph back into Humanoid form.
(Please review Addendum 7769-J-3 for details on non-vehicle morphing)
SCP-7769-J is to be known to be very docile and calm, and is very cooperative with Foundation Personal. However due to the SCP-7769-J's anomalous properties, Subject can not classed as Safe Class Subject, therefore Euclid Class Subject Procedures have to be followed correctly to ensue the Safety of Humanity.
SCP-7769-J has been known to enjoy using his abilities for recreational purposes such as morphing into a Fixed-wing aircraft such as a Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor on the Facilities Aerodrome and flying in the designated 2km Foundation Containment zone.
Origin: SCP-7769-J was Captured after a long history of reports led to the subjects containment, starting on the █/██/2008 when reports stated that a boy of 12 years old had disappeared while others have claimed to have witness seeing a boy "Transform into a Car". The Foundation has been unable in the following 3 years to track down the Subject as reports indicated that SCP-7769-J had the ability to transform into many different types of vehicle. In ██/██/2012, The Subject was apprehended after been found speeding down a Motorway as a Ferrari F2012 in [REDACTED], UK. SCP-7769-J was then tranquilised for [DATA EXPUNGED] Days before being Transported to Site-763 in which he still resides currently. It is currently unknown about the SCP-7769-J's Parents and the subject is uncomfortable to shed light on their Status and current whereabouts.
Addendum 7769-J-1: Chat log between Dr. Vang and SCP 7769-J-1, after [DATA EXPUNGED] days in Containment.
<Begin Log *2 Minutes into Interview*>
Dr. Vang: When was the first case you knew you had the ability to morph into various objects
SCP-7769-J: well, i accidentally turned myself into a car when i was late to school, it happened when i was 12 years old
Dr. Vang: Interesting (Pauses) have you ever used your anomalous properties for the good of mankind and/or for self gain?
SCP-7769-J: (Thinks for 6 seconds) well there havent been any cases where i could have used them for good of manking so mostly i use it for my own or people who are around me gain
Dr. Vang: Could you give an example please?
SCP-7769-J: when I'm bored i transform into a jet and fly around, or there was a time when a car got stuck in a snow so i had to pull that out by transforming into a tracktor
Dr. Vang: Nice, however due to your anomalous properties, have you caused any harm or property damage while utilising your abilities?
SCP-7769-J: yes of course
Dr. Vang: Intentionally or unintentionally?
SCP-7769-J: well at first it was intentional since, i wanted to try it out, since whenever i transform lets say into a jet, i can also use the weapons it has
SCP-7769-J: but it wasn't a big deal since only terrain got damaged but there was a time when i crashed into concreate building as a jet at about 600km/h that's probably the biggest property damage so far
<End Log>
Addendum 7769-J-2:: SCP-7769-J volunteered to fly as any Aerial Vehicle on the Facilities Aerodrome and tests revealed the morphing process is biological in nature. However Subject has to visually remember what it will morph into, disapproving the hypothesis that SCP-7769-J can morph into any Original Concept.
Addendum 7769-J-3:: SCP-7769-J volunteered to morph into a non-vehicle object but warned Foundation staff that the process is usually unstable. The Subject then proceeded to morph into Portable Video Camera, exhibiting basic operations on what the intended object would do, except that it fired a Concentrated laser beam when switched to Photo capture mode, [REDACTED] several personal including Obliterating Dr. Vang's upper Clothing and part of his hair. Dr. Vang was then Contained in [DATA EXPUNGED] due to psychological trauma, affecting him to currently to this day. SCP-7769-J attempted to return to it's humanoid state, but morphed into [REDACTED] and then into [REDACTED], killing 3 Guards on the scene and crippling Dr. █████. Testing has been discontinued and the Subject was returned to his cell.
Due to the relative dangerous properties of SCP-7769-J, All testing will be discontinued from the ██/██/2012. The Subject has Expressed his greatest condolences to the Personal have died. - O5-█
Spoiler (click to show/hide)SCP-26659-J "Coolzedad the Pingaz Lord" Spoiler (click to show/hide)SCP-26659-J
Item #: SCP-26659-J
Object Class: Safe/Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-26659-J is to be kept in a two-room cell furnished with whatever SCP-26659-J requests as long as such requests do not violate any standard SCP procedure.
Subject is to be provided with a [REDACTED] Desktop Computer along with several Web servers. Subject is allowed to freely wander the facility and is allowed to eat in the Staff Canteen. All Staff are to not to Provoke or Taunt the Subject to Induce a Rage induced state. Subject is not allowed to own any Video games allowed to own the entire "Legend of Zelda" Gaming series to reduce the factor of the Subject entering a Rage induced state. This does not include the "CD-i series" as this will cause [DATA EXPUNGED]. Subject is to be allowed a super duper fast Internet Connection and to maintain a Online name known as "Coolzedad" Subject currently resides in Site-763
Description:SCP-26659-J, who refers to himself as "Coolzeldad" or "Coolz", appears to be a Caucasian male. He claims to be older than Time itself. Subject has Brown hair and turquoise eyes, is 1.89 meters in height, and weighs 83 Kilograms in weight (variable). Subject does not appear to have any out-of-the-ordinary physical characteristics apart from quite muscular in build. Subject displays all basic needs of a normal human being, but favours Sushi of the uppermost quality.
SCP-26659-J has been known to enter a Rage induced state, allowing him to somehow form from the air, a Hammer of [REDACTED] origin (which is to be known as SCP-26659-J-1) and has been dubbed by the subject as "The Ban Hammer". SCP-26659-J-1 is then held by the Subject in one hand and is used as a weapon. On Contact with SCP-26659-J-1, the Victim immediately disappears from view and Spectators have reported to see the Victim "Implode from view". After the offending Victim has been terminated, the Subject then returns to it's Docile state and SCP-26659-J-1 dissipates into the air.
Origin: SCP-26659-J was found after reports in [REDACTED], Nevada, █/█/2008 that a Man had fallen from the sky during a cloudy otherwise normal weather conditions. The Foundation immediately sent Mobile Task Force Lambda-7 to capture the Subject and transport him to Site-[REDACTED]. SCP-26659-J was found to be sitting upright in a Open Grass field and appeared to be consuming something. When asked by Agent ████ what the Subject was eating, Subject responded that he was consuming "DDOS" (Please review Appendum 26659-J-1) . Afterwards the subject after a short phase of testing, was deemed Safe Not a threat and moved to Site-763.
Addendum 26659-J-1: Transcipt of SCP-26659-J was confronted by Agent ████ on the Subject of what the Subject was consuming:
> **<Begin Log>**
> Agent ████ : Hey!
> SCP-26659-J: Hey! (While consuming)
> Agent ████: What are you eating there?
> SCP-26659-J: Eating ddos for breakfast OMNOMONOM! (Finishes Consuming)
> Agent ████: Hmm okay then (Scratches the top his head in confusement)
>**<End Log>**
> **Closing Statement:** SCP-26659-J then complied to Foundation orders and was transported. It was unknown what the Subject was consuming.
Addendum 26659-J-2:: On the ██/██/2012, A Containment Breach was iniated by SCP-26659-J after one of his Web servers caught fire, draining Site-763 of all power, allowing SCP-███ to escape containment, which lead to Incident ███-██ . SCP-26659-J had all Web Servers confiscated for 6 Months prior to Incident and was then returned after a strict referendum.
Addendum 26659-J-3: This guy is too kewl - Dr. Vang
Spoiler (click to show/hide)SCP-9002-J "Sweet Nightmares"Spoiler (click to show/hide)SCP-9002-J
Item #: SCP-9002-J
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-9002-J is to be contained in a 5m x 5m x 5m room. The Walls of the room must be composed of a 20cm layer of Steel on the inside, along with a 10cm layer of pure Lead on the outside. Subject is to be denied all requests Subject is to have no contact with any foundation personal whatsoever due to her anomalous properties. Food is to be delivered to her via mechanically and under no circumstances is personal to hand deliver food. 4 surveillance cameras will be placed in the cell to fully monitor SCP-9002-J and any change in behavior must be written down. A danger zone of a 30m radius from the room must be maintained and only class 3 personal may enter this danger zone. Ultrasound speakers will be continuously played to dampen SCP-9002-J's abilities
Description: SCP-9002-J appears to be a Caucasian female, is 1.52m Tall and weighs 64 kilograms in weight. Subject possesses brown hair with streaks of blond hair and brilliant blue eyes. SCP-9002-J requires nearly all human being requirements apart from visual stimulus, often sitting in the middle of the containment room or sitting in one of the four corners of the subjects containment room. SCP-9002-J is extremely deceiving, appearing to be a young beautiful woman of approximately 18 years of age. Under this, the subject has been recorded to have unusually high brain activity, emitting an unidentified type of radiation from the subject's cranium. SCP-9002-J has the ability to cause psychological trauma, amnesia, dementia, uncommonly mental instability and in very rare cases [REDACTED]. Although these symptoms are quite severe, if not in constant contact with SCP-9002-J, symptoms will wear off over a period between 3 days to [DATA EXPUNGED]. On rare cases in which SCP-9002-J is enraged, it will focus it's abilities on one specific victim, causing brain death in a matter of seconds, along with [REDACTED] of the Neural Cells causing [DATA EXPUNGED] which a term by scientists have been coined as [REDACTED] or "Implosion"
However during this period, when the victims sleep, they will experience horrifying nightmares relating to their worst fear often causing excessive insomnia. It causes many victims to wake up screaming and rarely [REDACTED]. Victims when awake, would often self inflict harm upon themselves, often using everyday objects from spoons to wires to cut their wrists, calves and uncommonly their own genitalia. After the 3 days and the symptoms have not been lifted, the victims are subjugated to even more horrifying fears, often placing many victims into comas. The victim afterwards may randomly die within its coma from Heart failure to [REDACTED].
It is unknown whether SCP-9002-J intentionally inflicts said properties, however the Subject expresses great enjoyment when asked why (Please review Addendum 9002-J-3)
SCP-9002-J is extremely sensitive to high pitch to ultrasound frequencies, which extremely dampens the memetic field it posses and often causes extreme distress to the subject.
Origin: SCP-9002-J was found on the ██/██/19██ after reports indicated strange nightmares amongst Orphanage children and Staff. Mobile Task Force Sigma-23 was sent to Contain the subject. When the MTF entered the building, [REDACTED] with entrails trailing the ceiling. SCP-9002-J was found on the 2nd floor huddled on the floor screaming causing Agent's body to [REDACTED]. Subject was contained along with ██ Personal dead, ██ Orphanage Staff dead and ███ Orphans dead. (Please review Addendum 9002-J-1)
Addendum 9002-J-1: Audio transcript from the SCP-9002-J Recovery Log (██/██/19██)
<Begin Log >
19:41L - Command: MFT S23 you are cleared to enter the building.
19:41L - MFT S23 Lead: Command, MFT S23 Lead. Roger, we are moving in.
19:43L - MFT S23 Lead: We are inside the lobby... Oh my god...(Men start to retch) Command are you... seeing this... it's a ████ing blood bath in here!
(Sounds of retching are heard on the radio, with people shouting explicits)
19:44L - Command: ████! oh my ████ing Christ! These poor children. ████! MFT S23 Approach with caution.
19:44L - MFT S23 Lead: (Throws up) Oh my ████ing-(Retches) roger that command, Search every room! (Under his breath: god help us)
(Sounds on radio of Men breaching doors, along with more retching and shouting of Explicits)
(30 seconds of radio static)
19:48L - Command: MFT S23 lead report!... MFT S23 Lead come in!
(30 seconds of continued static)
(Explosion is heard and Men heard screaming)
19:49L - MFT S23 Lead: Command SCP-9002-J has been located! we can't (Static) my men are (static) Agent ██████ Just ████ing (Static) We (Static) Contained! (Static)
(Audio transcript starts to degrade and ends after 3 minutes)
<End Log>
It appears SCP-9002-J, under great stress degraded the Audio recording from MFT S23 Lead. Full Audio recording is to be locked in the Site's Archives until further notice. - O-5-█
Addendum 9002-J-2:: Foundation Scientists have found high frequency and Ultrasound is very effective at dampening SCP-9002-J's memetic properties. From the ██/██/20██ special Ultrasound speakers will be positioned in SCP-9002-J's Containment room.
Addendum 9002-J-3: Audio Transcript between Dr.████ and SCP-9002-J through 30cm of lead glass
<Begin log *at 3 minutes mark*>
Dr.████: Why did you kill those Children?
SCP-9002-J: (No audible answer)
Dr.████: Why did you kill ███ People?
SCP-9002-J: (Laughs maniacally)
Dr.████: I'm Sorry what?
SCP-9002-J: (While Giggling) The reason why i did it was to see...
(5 second pause)
Dr.████: To see what?
SCP-9002-J: How many i could kill with one thought!
Dr.████: Why do you do this. Why kill or Maim anyone.
SCP-9002-J: For Pleasure of course! It just makes me feel so full of energy and excitement! Oh it makes my head dizzy reading your thoughts and how passionate of me to crush your brain cells one by one!
Dr.████: What are you... (Gags)
SCP-9002-J: I can see all your fetishes Dr.████, I know what you fear most.... Oh this will be fun and an interesting experience!
(Dr.████ Grabs his head with both Hands)
Dr.████: (Shouts) No! Please not that! no no no! ████! (Screams)
SCP-9002-J: And... (3 seconds go by as Dr.████ Convulges in pain) Poof!
(Dr.████ collapses)
SCP-9002-J: (Breathing fast and Flushing while talking) Oh my! I think i need... need a rest.
<End Log>
Addendum 9002-J-3-1: Dr. ████ was immediately sent to the medical ward of Site's where he was found to be brain dead. SCP-9002-J has been isolated in her Containment room for ███ days until [REDACTED]
All testing with SCP-9002-J has been discontinued. Any Interaction with SCP-9002-J will lead to possible termination. A 30m Radius Danger zone must be enacted on SCP-9002-J's Containment Room to prevent such incidents happening again. - O-5-█
She looks pretty hot, Even Hotter than SCP-105 - Dr. Vang
Would bang - Dr. Vang
Dr. Vang these Comments are innapropiate. Requesting for them to be removed - Dr. Owens REQUEST DENIED
SCP Files being written
SCP-9007-J "Blah the Human Speaker" Blah2355
SCP-7111-J "The Manipulator" Lavenchie
SCP-3722-J "Cold Archon" Frostbound
SCP-6076-J "The Tiger man" Tiger guy
SCP-4001-J "The man in black" Me like dis
SCP-1337-J "[REDACTED]" Fuszion
Note: O-5 Has approved of the writing of these files as long they are SCP-J's
Note: Please see Page 2 of the topic for more SCP's. I HAVE RAN OUT OF CHARACTER LIMIT -Dr. Vang
-SCP Nickname: Prox
-Height: 180cm / 5.91 feet
-Weight: 68Kg / 149.6 lbs
-Anomalous Properties: Transform into anything
SCP Nickname: iBounce
Height: 5.8something
Weight: 175lbs
Anomalous Properties: Turns into a blob and bounce
SCP Nickname: 'Unit'
Height: 170.4cm / 5.7something ft
Weight: 180 lbs
Anomalous Properties:Spoiler (click to show/hide) Unstable Empath/Technopath, Ununtrium-286 based Organism, hazardous to unprotected 'flesh' or living things over time.
Has low amounts of natural background radiation due to Uut-286 base, also unintentionally bends visible light through wavelength modulation when experiencing strong emotions.
Starts to die (as in, 15 seconds to live) at 600 degrees Celsius/1,112 degrees Fahrenheit. Can be stabbed, can be shocked, gets shorted when exposed to saline fluids. Does not like open spaces.
Fetish for building tiny replicas of structures out of random particles.
Updated and Finished Prox's File.
- Dr. Vang
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