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SCP-26659-J - "Coolzedad The Pingaz Lord"
Item #: SCP-26659-J
Object Class: Safe/Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-26659-J is to be kept in a two-room cell furnished with whatever SCP-26659-J requests as long as such requests do not violate any standard SCP procedure.
Subject is to be provided with a [REDACTED] Desktop Computer along with several Web servers. Subject is allowed to freely wander the facility and is allowed to eat in the Staff Canteen. All Staff are to not to Provoke or Taunt the Subject to Induce a Rage induced state. Subject is not allowed to own any Video games allowed to own the entire "Legend of Zelda" Gaming series to reduce the factor of the Subject entering a Rage induced state. This does not include the "CD-i series" as this will cause [DATA EXPUNGED]. Subject is to be allowed a super duper fast Internet Connection and to maintain a Online name known as "Coolzedad" Subject currently resides in Site-763
Description:SCP-26659-J, who refers to himself as "Coolzeldad" or "Coolz", appears to be a Caucasian male. He claims to be older than Time itself. Subject has Brown hair and turquoise eyes, is 1.89 meters in height, and weighs 83 Kilograms in weight (variable). Subject does not appear to have any out-of-the-ordinary physical characteristics apart from quite muscular in build. Subject displays all basic needs of a normal human being, but favours Sushi of the uppermost quality.
SCP-26659-J has been known to enter a Rage induced state, allowing him to somehow form from the air, a Hammer of [REDACTED] origin (which is to be known as SCP-26659-J-1) and has been dubbed by the subject as "The Ban Hammer". SCP-26659-J-1 is then held by the Subject in one hand and is used as a weapon. On Contact with SCP-26659-J-1, the Victim immediately disappears from view and Spectators have reported to see the Victim "Implode from view". After the offending Victim has been terminated, the Subject then returns to it's Docile state and SCP-26659-J-1 dissipates into the air.
Origin: SCP-26659-J was found after reports in [REDACTED], Nevada, █/█/2008 that a Man had fallen from the sky during a cloudy otherwise normal weather conditions. The Foundation immediately sent Mobile Task Force Lambda-7 to capture the Subject and transport him to Site-[REDACTED]. SCP-26659-J was found to be sitting upright in a Open Grass field and appeared to be consuming something. When asked by Agent ████ what the Subject was eating, Subject responded that he was consuming "DDOS" (Please review Appendum 26659-J-1) . Afterwards the subject after a short phase of testing, was deemed Safe Not a threat and moved to Site-763.
Addendum 26659-J-1: Transcipt of SCP-26659-J was confronted by Agent ████ on the Subject of what the Subject was consuming:
> **<Begin Log>**
> Agent ████ : Hey!
> SCP-26659-J: Hey! (While consuming)
> Agent ████: What are you eating there?
> SCP-26659-J: Eating ddos for breakfast OMNOMONOM! (Finishes Consuming)
> Agent ████: Hmm okay then (Scratches the top his head in confusement)
>**<End Log>**
> **Closing Statement:** SCP-26659-J then complied to Foundation orders and was transported. It was unknown what the Subject was consuming.
Addendum 26659-J-2:: On the ██/██/2012, A Containment Breach was iniated by SCP-26659-J after one of his Web servers caught fire, draining Site-763 of all power, allowing SCP-███ to escape containment, which lead to Incident ███-██ . SCP-26659-J had all Web Servers confiscated for 6 Months prior to Incident and was then returned after a strict referendum.
Addendum 26659-J-3: This guy is too kewl - Dr. Vang
DDOS OMNOMNOMONOMOMNonmonomomoinmdfkl;ghjnad;fklgj;l
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