Bans (Read Only) > Approved
Loke's minecraft shenanigans
Cake Faice:
1. Player's SteamID (STEAM_0:0:1234)
Minecraft ID = eviloke or something like that
2. Players Nickname
3. Your in-game name
4. Server name (Wirebuild, Zombie Survival)
Minecraft server
5. Description of the event(s)
Ever since Coolz started up the server, Loke has been going around, grieving, stealing, and being a pain in the ass to others. But I'll leave that for other people.
But my main concern is, him using Xray. He claims it is on his mom's laptop only, but really, he's been using xray on which ever computer he plays minecraft on.
See #7 for the video.
About 20 minutes before the recording (I have spoken to another admin about this to let them know), when Loke was away, I dug underneath his porch and placed a block of TNT (WITH NO INTENTION OF DETONATING IT), and covered up the hole. Then afterwards Loke came back in to his house, covered up a creeper explosion, then magically knew and immediately dig down to where the TNT is, then proceeded to confront me about it.
Funny thing is, how did he know where the TNT was? Note, this isn't the first time he discovered it too. A few days ago I tried the same thing, yet he magically found my TNT and proceeded to call me out on it.
And now, just recently, it appears he also stole from my chest, and others, and decided to take my valuables. So it'd be nice if some admins could debate about this. I also have proof of him admitting the xray on his "mom's laptop" thing.
6. Reason for ban
For using gaining an unfair advantage with xray, grieving other players, being a constant nuisance, and the likes. Other players can throw in their opinion. He's received plenty of admin warnings in the past, but continues to ignore them.
7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)Me and Loke's conversation
Text form:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)Video
(the first clip is slowed down as I show loke digging down into his porch, setting up the tnt 20 minutes before. I also arrived as soon as he got to his house, keep a far away enough distance.
Xray in minecraft? What's the point for that exactly? lol
No real opinion on the ban, since I thought minecraft was all about crude fun, so as I said. No opinion.
Cake Faice:
--- Quote from: HideoKojima on December 06, 2012, 07:26:47 PM ---Xray in minecraft? What's the point for that exactly? lol
--- End quote ---
Basically hides surface blocks like gravel, sand, wood, stone and stuff so you can see ores and minerals.
Decision has been made with all the evidence provided, loke is restricted from an arbitrary unit area around the kingdom (to allow for expansion and other things). The criteria specifies how this will be handled and the punishment states the consequence to breaking the criteria.
1 chance - Amber and Loke account
Stay out of specific coordinates around town wall barrier (including xrain's castle) 750+
If seen requires screen shot WITH COORDINATES (f3 to display coordinates, f2 is quick screenshot, no excuse for no screenshot)
Punishment (if broken):
added to blacklist
Court Dismissed, bring in the dancing lobsters
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