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Karma Reset


I request a Karma Reset. I havn't rdmed or anything. but for some reason when the server crashes, My Karma gets set to 270. i've raised it back up several times, but it keeps crashing and resetting.

The server crashes and it sets my karma down to 270. I have not RDM'd. i've had to raise it several times, and it keeps setting it back down. Please fix this.

Edit: Karma rests on map change, as well.

Edit: Server crashed again and it got reset, AGAIN

All 3 of your topics have been either deleted or merged into here. Next time please just make one post.

Also the server crashing should stop now.

Thank you, Cool  :fullheart: :fullheart: :fullheart: I love you. :fullheart: :fullheart: :fullheart:


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