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It's talent that my plushies are all still intact after laying in lonely, dark corners for years.


--- Quote from: DoeniDon on October 27, 2010, 10:23:34 AM ---It's talent that my plushies are all still intact after laying in lonely, dark corners for years.

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should i try to juggle? i lrned2juggle in 8th grade cuz for some reason my PE teacher thought it was a sport and made us lrn  :-\

This can literally be anything - It doesn't have to be a talent at all.

You can do what ever you want to do as long as it will keep our attention for 1 minute straight.

--- Quote from: jman15234 on October 27, 2010, 10:29:32 AM ---i lrned2juggle in 8th grade cuz for some reason my PE teacher thought it was a sport and made us lrn  :-\

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--- Quote from: Moolz ♥ on October 27, 2010, 10:36:27 AM --- I LOL'D BTW ROFL

--- End quote ---

is that a... good thing?

I will do pushups on 3 fingers.


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