.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Projects

I am making a roleplay gamemode for garrysmod

<< < (4/4)

Cake Faice:
So gmod101, any other wonderful projects you've begun to start?

Eion Kilant 739:

--- Quote from: Deacon on November 05, 2012, 09:18:07 AM ---aren't there enough RP gamemodes?

--- End quote ---

There are not enough good ones, IMO. We have a chance to make a gamemode from scratch and I hope that it can be crafted into exactly what we want it.

Anyways, I might post some concepts on how it could be done some time soon.


Basicaly, Americans VS Nazi's aka Germans.

Go for it boy :D


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